Great day! [Geno's Fine..for now?]

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After their Bickering, we played Mario kart. Which I sucked at Because I'm not one to Play other Video Games- Nor Mario Kart To be honest-

Fresh won a lot of Times [apparently His Good at Mario kart, unlike my Sorry ass-] and Error won only a Few times, Like Fives Times.
Which was Impressive and all That.

But anyway, after all of That, Geno and I went To our Rooms.
Well, Geno went to His Shared Bedroom with Fresh and Error, I had a Separate Room.
Which was Great actually! That means I can Think about What to do to make Geno a bit better, and Probably Help Fresh with His Emotions [If, He does get Emotional and all..] and Error's anger aswell...Probably.

Tho, Geno seems to be Fine... Well, If you exclude the Coughing from Earlier, Yikes..

But anyway, I'm just Gonna Sleep...I'm Tired..

I went to my Bed [after Closing the Door] and Plopped on It and Quite Literally Passed out From Tiredness, Despite the Fact I Just played Games, and ate..

I'm Gonna Think of my worries Later, I need Rest.

[ Short Chapter- :') ]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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