☁️ Let's get to know eachother!

44 0 9

Characters involved: PA, MO


You wouldn't be able to see her at first, due to the fact her forest-green color scheme blends in with the leaves of the trees, but if you looked closely, you'd see that swinging her legs as she sat on a tree branch was none other than PA. She didn't have anything planned today, really. Most of the time, all she did was eat worms and dirt, hang out with Hot Air, and occasionally beat someone up. PA's legs kept swinging as she starting to think to herself about..anything, really.

However, walking along the pathway of the hotel (which had those trees alongside it, by the way) was MO. Now, PA and MO didn't talk of know anything about the other very much. They only knew about the other's existence because of the fact they both knew Hot Air, with PA being Hot Air's best friend, and MO being Hot Air's boyfriend. It's honestly a little odd how they never interacted much, apart from occasional 'hi's, because they were both real close to Hot Air, and it would only make sense for the both of them to want to hang out with him at the same time.

Eventually, PA's mind drifted to this train of thought. Why didn't she talk with MO? Looking down from the tree, she noticed the bright purple hair of the aforementioned male, so she jumped down the tree's branch, making her way over to him.

"Hey!" PA called out. 

MO stopped in his tracks, turning around and spotting the..greenette? Is that what you'd call her? "Oh. It's you."

"So, I was thinkingg..we don't really know eachother that much, but I feel like that shouldn't be the case! I want us to become friends, to get to know eachother a bit, y'know?"

"..that makes sense, but-"

"Oh, c'mon, it'll be fun! We can do even do something together for it! Maybe try and find the way out of that hedge maze that's been sitting there for god knows how long-"

"I already know the way out." MO interrupted PA, his british accent ringing throughout his voice. he's fookin bri ish

"Y-you do?"

"Mhm. Not that hard, really."

"Oh! Well, uh...can you show me??"

"..Sure. Why not?"

"Great! Okay, let's go!"


PA grabbed MO's wrist and dashed towards and then inside of the hedge maze. MO didn't even have time to register what was happening before the two were inside. Pa practically dropped MO when she let go of him, looking around at the maze's various pathways.

"Soo..which way do we go?"

"Uggh..don't drop me, asshole..but it's that way." MO pointed to one of the various pathways as he sat up.

"Mhm! Alright, and then what?" PA started walking towards said pathway as MO followed her.

"Oh, you just take a left, then a right, then another left, then you go straight until..."

The two kept walking deeper into the maze as MO kept stating the directions to solving it. PA kept listening intently, following his directions word for word (except for the first time a weapon appeared in that thing, she didn't believe that would happen), until the two eventually made it out. Alive, thankfully.



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