[𝟒.] 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐂𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐞? 𝐍𝐨? 𝐎𝐤𝐚𝐲.

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_______ 🐯 _______         Zhangzhao exhaled sharply, acknowledging that the teen had proven capable of defending himself, which left him impressed

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_______ 🐯 _______
Zhangzhao exhaled sharply, acknowledging that the teen had proven capable of defending himself, which left him impressed. He couldn't tell whether Macaque or Sun Wukong had taught the boy such efficiency and patience, but he admired how naturally these qualities had taken root.
Taking a deep breath, Zhangzhao focused, his senses sharpening as he identified all the clones. With a decisive move, he thrust his fist downward, his metallic claws slicing through the fog to grasp solid flesh.
He seized MK, who immediately began to panic, flailing his arms wildly like a helpless duck.
"Time out, time out! I surrender!"
Well that was fast, nonetheless, the Russian-Chinese man listened to his words, loosening his hold on the teen's leg and letting him drop to the ground.
"Not bad, kid. You're a natural."
MK smiled sheepishly as he stood up, brushing away imaginary dust from his pants. The fight had been quite intense, requiring him to stay focused and dodge attacks swiftly. Surprisingly, MK managed to handle it without any issues. Exhaling deeply, Zhangzhao walked over to his mini fridge, grabbed another can of beer, and gestured it toward MK.
"Want some beer?" He shook the beer can toward him.
"I'm way too young to drink that."
"You're literally 18."
MK sat quietly, a comical expression on his face as he realized he was indeed 18. He sheepishly scratched his head but still refused the drink offered by the Russian-Chinese man, considering alcohol the worst thing to consume. To him, it tasted like gasoline mixed with fruit flavors.
Rummaging through his mini fridge, he grabbed a bottle of fruit juice and tossed it to MK, who fumbled but caught it.
Sighing in relief, MK quickly opened it and gulped it down, feeling a wave of cold refreshment wash over him, like a cooling bath.
After a few sips, he glanced at Zhangzhao, who looked unusually worn down yet seemed ready to continue the fight.
"Hey, Zhangzhao... So, I've heard about the Monkey King saying that you used to be his 'buddy ol' pal', but you don't seem so... pleased about hearing that, why?"
Zhangzhao halted abruptly, his body tensing as he paused mid-sip from his beer can. With a heavy sigh, he regained his composure, though his expression remained displeased. He had anticipated the day when Sun Wukong's successor would pose that inevitable question.
It was only a matter of time, considering Wukong's talkative nature and tendency to blurt out things, whether by accident or not.
Sinking deeper into his sofa, Zhangzhao turned to MK, his brow furrowing as he asked,
"Lemme ask you one thing, kid.
Would it honestly hurt you to mind your own business? I mean, what we once had has nothing to do with you, alright?"
MK flinched at the abrupt shift to silent aggression.
Despite the brief, friendly sparring between them, hearing such words coming from Zhangzhao felt unexpected and jarring.
Nervously swallowing, MK tried to maintain his composure, cautiously navigating into unfamiliar territory where he knew he was unwelcome.
"Well, you see..."
He begun, his confidence wavering with each word.

"The Monkey King kept mentioning you, 24/7 nonstop, said he clearly remembered how you used to quarrel with the celestial Gods along with him, and stuff like that, and—"
"I think this will be the part where I'll have to shut you up, MK."
The latter glared, his clawed prosthetic crushing the beer can with a menacing grip, silently warning the teen that if he didn't stay quiet, he would meet the same fate—crushed and lifeless.
"But, I..."
The Russian-Chinese furrowed his brow, already disliking the sudden change in topic. Despite knowing he couldn't stay angry at the teen indefinitely because of his boundless curiosity, his patience was not infinite.
With a gentle sigh, the Russian-Chinese glanced away, dismissing MK with a gesture.
"I'm sorry, if I were you, I'd ask all that to Wukong.
He knows everything, like, a lot.
He even probably remembered what we once had, who knows..."

‼️This chapter has been rewritten for the sole purpose of renewing the plot of this story.

I would like to advise readers, -who had been reading this book for a few months-, to reread the newer version of this book.
As always, thank you for reading this book and making it this far to witness its progress.

There'll be more to come during the next updates (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~

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