4: Elsa

550 10 9

Favourite music: (f/m)
Best friend/Friend: (B/f)

They led you to the living room which took 10 minutes of them mistakenly going to the wrong rooms and hallways, When you entered

You were greeted with an angry Prosciutto that sat in a single couch while the rest just sat on the other couches, Illuso and Formaggio went to take a seat while you just stood in the middle of the room.

'what the fuck do I say',you thought while growing nervous from being stared at, so you just let my mind speak for itself and then leave.

"..Sorry for pissing you off and for me trying to defend myself back there, and hopefully your not planning on getting back on me and.. please don't chase me around and try to kill me..heheheh", actually I want to kill myself this.

As you was about to run off you saw Pesci with your Prosciutto figure.

"Why the fuck do you have that?!?" You shouted, pointing at him,How did they find my collection??The fuck. It's only been a day and things have been going off hills. Hopefully your not getting gray hairs from this. Right?

Pesci just froze when you pointed him out, though the others didn't really care, you just stood there like a dumbass.

They looked at you strangely as if some of them wanted to knock you unconscious from that weak ass apology, especially the look on Prosciutto's face.

"Wow, is this what you were angry about Prosciutto?" Illuso commented while chuckling and smirking,

"Well, she should know that messing with us will result into something unpleasant, and addition to that they have a shit ton of stuff related to what a mafia has.. which proves they know a lot." He replied while watching each of my movements with his narrowed eyes.

'Wait.. wait wait wait WAIT.. Did he say stuff that's mafia related?.. HE FOUND THE FILES!? They weren't suppose to find those.. fucking bullshit those guys went through my stuff. If they found the one in my room then it won't be a huge problem but if they found it in another place..things might get complicated.'

Your face twisted to shock as your anxiety rose up, you really wanted go back to your room and check if they massacred it but these guys are in your maze of a house and who knows what other secrets they can find here of mine, they already found one of them.

You didn't run away this time atleast, you awkwardly went to grab a chair nearby, sat in a corner with your phone in your hands and had a face of disbelief of what you just heard, maybe go check your social medias to calm myself down, they all stared at my actions of course, they somehow silently agreed to let what happened go, it wasn't that serious to them.. probably

but before you could even open your phone, someone fucking took it out of your hands, seriously?

And guess who took it.


"Ohhh, is this the new versions of phones? I didn't think our flip phones would evolve into something like this" He messed around with it and tried opening it but it had a password, never can be too safe. He was obviously disappointed and stared at you,

"Hmmm..Seems like this has a password of some sort, mind telling it for me?" He playfully asked while grinning, you went with the fake smile and said,

"Haha no." You went to grab your phone back but he pulled it out of your reach which almost made you fall out of the seat, hearing Melone snickering from what he and the others just witnessed, you could basically feel your face getting hotter by the second.

Too tired for bullshit, you quickly lifted up your head and got off the chair to go find somewhere you can be at peace. After all, you doubt they won't struggle on finding you, you don't know if all their stands work right now but for now you know that illuso and Pesci can use theirs, not sure for the others though.

Transparent Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora