Part 1

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In the Glowkies Cave, Postit has a letter in one hand and a flashlight in the other.

Postit: Hello? He-hello?

Postit: I... *gulp* have a letter for the Glowkies... wherever you are...

(A/N: Postit has a voice similar to Postman Pat.)

Suddenly, rustling was heard, and then slight giggling.

Postit: Great shmixels! *whips around* Who's there?

More rustling is heard with the laughter glowing louder, and soon enough, a cycloptic Glowkie bat flew around Postit with two other Glowkies following. These Glowkies are Globert, Vampos, and Boogly, and they were laughing as they circled above Postit.

Postit: Great balls of ice! You two scared me!

Boogly: Haha, that's what us Glowkies do.

Globert: That is true. It is Halloween after all, so we couldn't help ourselves.

Postit: Well, I have a letter for a... Mr. Glowkie?

Globert: That would be us, Postit.

Postit: Here, mate! *Hands Globert the letter* Just... don't scare me again! *power walks out of the cave*

Globert: Ta-ta!

Vampos: We'll try not to scare you, promise!

Boogly: Say hello to the Orbitons for Boogly!

As soon as the three Glowkies opened the envelope, they noticed that the letter looked like it had claw markings on it along with some stains that looked like blood and a deep red stamp that had a skull which looked like MC's head at the center. Since it was Halloween, Globert passed off the mysterious stains as fake blood, much like Crape juice or ketchup.

(A/N: Crapes are a combination of cranberries and grapes. Where do you think Crasins come from?)

Boogly: Woah, spooky.

Globert: Interesting..

The letter was addressed: "To: Globert Glowkie. Glowkie Caves, Mixel Moon.". The letter also had no return address. Out of curiosity and cautiousness, he slowly sliced opened the envelope with the tip of his right wing while holding said envelope, and slid the letter out of it with his left wing. When the three Glowkies saw the letter, they gasped and their eyes widened as they saw... An invitation to a free vacation?

Globert: Well, this is unexpected.

Vampos: Yeah, agreed.

The letter read: "Dear, Globert. You are invited to Haunted Hills for a WIP bat's dream vacation. A VIP bat much like you. Bring no one with you to ensure your safety and do not tell any Mixel you are going to this place, you are a VIP and it will stay that way as long as no one else is with you. There is a ship-space outside waiting for you... this vacation will be so relaxing, there couldn't possibly be a way for anyone to wish to leave. Signed, Xenomurp". The rest of the letter was covered up by crape jam or something, making whatever remained unreadable.

Vampos: I'm not sure how I should feel about this letter. Should I be confused by how much jam this guy eats or weirded out by the cheesy Halloween tactics in here?

Globert: Puh-lease! This vacation feels like it's going to be.. FABULOUS~!

Boogly: Boogly guess there could be snacks there. I mean, doesn't every party have snacks?

Vampos: ..Hm, fair point.

(A/N: Magnifo, Kraw, Glomp, Gurrgle, Mysto, Snax and Sweepz are also invited to Haunted Hills too.. despite what the letter states.)

(Transition: A film reel covers the screen, Whistlit is in the film in a position that parodies Steamboat Willie. Then an inky substance spills on him. Whistlit then starts to "climb" out of the goop, deformed and with a smile on his face. The film then stops and burns up, taking us to the next scene.]

Outside, the ship-space has arrived. The ship space is a dark orange, with Halloween decor covering it. Crape juice or some other fake blood covers most of the paint job with some random scratches joining it. The ship space has landed next to a graveyard, with two mountains that have castles on the top of both of them in the distance.
A mansion was close to the graveyard, with a squashkin patch next to it. The invited mixels step out of the ship-space, looking in awe, fear, and caution of the mansion on Haunted Hills.

Glomp: Wow, freaky.

Snax: The letter wasn't kidding about this place, it's like we're in a real horror movie!

Globert: WHAT!? *holds Snax* WHITHER!?

(A/N: This is a reference to Futurama since Bender did it in that one episode)


Mysto: Calm down, Globert. We all got the letter as well.

Fall leaves float past as the ship-space's automatic doors close. Then a few more odd (and humorous) doors close, so now the ship-space is fully locked from the outside.

Gurrgle: ..Okay. So I want to know if Xenomurp is-a gonna take us on a tour, because I don't see him anywhere.

Glomp: Yeah, he should be here by now.

A dark green Mixel jumps down, possibly from the ship space... this Mixel is somewhat reptillian with large claws, a long tail, and a long head crest. This this Mixel is named Xenomurp.

Xenomurp: *sounds like Marvin the Martian and when he speaks, he reveals a second mouth that serves as his tounge.* Greetings, Mixels... welcome to your vacation for the week's end.

Mysto: And greetings to you too, Mr. Xenomurp.

Globert: A pleasure to meet us, really. I am Globert and this is Mysto, Kraw-

Xenomurp: I know all of you already, it's just so grave-- I mean great to see you all. Hehe, forgive the puns. *pointing to a pile of bodybags* Now, follow me! There is plenty to see and little time before the storm arrives. *walks to the mansion*

Sweepz: Snax?

Snax: Yeah, Sweeper?


Snax: ...What?

Glomp: What are you talking abou- oooh. Because of the bags, yeah.

Mysto: Sweepz, now you're just jumping to conclusions. Snax doesn't have the power to predict upcoming events.

Inside the mansion, pictures of various Mixels adorned the purple striped walls. A hat rack showed a black fedora with a purple stripe, a hockey mask, and the skull of a cycloptic Mixel with an underbite. The furniture had a Victorian theme, there were childish Halloween decorations everywhere, and a chandelier was on the ceiling.

Xenomurp: Make yourselves at home.. I will return tomorrow morning for the axe-tivities.. for now, me casa es soul casa. *leaves, closes the door, and then locks it*

Mysto: ...I sense a bad feeling about this invitation.

Gurggle: (sarcastic tone) Well, that Xenomurp guy did have to use the bodybags, didn't he? I'll just get going and hope this house is better than what Xenomurp has to offer.

Mysto: I wish you well, Gurggle.

*Commercial Break*

HOTMV VIII: Little Vacation of Horrors (In Progress)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ