Part 3

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Globert: So, tell me more about this murder child, I want to hear all the details!

Sweepz: U-uh, no thank you, I'm good!

Snax: ..I'll let you tell us more, this story's looking pretty good.

A machete flies through the air and spears right into a tree.

Xenomurp: Oh, we've got time for plenty more stories, and maybe a few activities along the way?

Sweepz: O-oh, uh... sure!

Globert: Hm, I see you're got quite the sharp eye! Alright, I'll wait for the stories to begin.

Xenomurp: *turns around* (whispering to himself) and you will have a Mixpearean funeral...

*Commercial Break*

The Mixels are now bobbing for coconapples. Xenomurp is no longer with the group and the Mixels are near the graveyard.

Glomp: *muffled by the coconapple in his mouth* I got one!

Snax: Hey, good for you.

An eyeball, a fish bone, a Frosticon/Wiztastic Cubit, and a Mixel's arm are floating under the water with a few rotten coconapples sitting at the bottom.

Mysto: Erm.. don't look now, but I.. see something down at the bot-

Gurrgle: I GOT IT! *Reaches into the bottom using both hands and when the hands are out of the water, the left arm is holding a Frosticon/Wiztastic Cubit while the right arm is holding a mixel's arm.* AGH! *Throws away the arm*

Globert: Yeesh, how long has that been sitting there?

Gurrgle: I-a don't know, don't ask me!

And look who comes limping back, Bitooth who is waving and looking much more lively! Well, for a zombie, anyway.

Kraw & Glomp: AGH, IT'S THE ZOMBIE!

Mysto: Hm, so it is.

Gurrgle: ...Wait, so you WEREN'T lying?

Glomp: Well, why the heck would we lie about zombies?

Globert: Because it's Halloween, clearly.

Bitooth: *mumbles something along the lines of "Hello, new Mixels!" while going to the coconapple bobbing tub*

Sweepz: ...What?

Glomp: Wait, what's he doing?

Bitooth dunks his head into the tub, then surfaces with a rotten coconapple in his upper teeth.

Bitooth: (Ooh! Lucky!)

Globert: Nice try, truly, but that is a rotten coconapple.

Bitooth: (Eh, I'll take anything.)

A machete then surfaces from the water! Then, a Frosticon wearing a hockey mask surfaces from the water.

Bitooth: (Oh, hi there!)

Sweepz: RUN FOR IT, AGH!

Bitooth runs with Gurggle and Glomp while the other Mixels split off in all sorts of directions.

Bitooth: (Who knew the story of a Mixel from a lake that had great swordsmanship was true?)

Gurrgle: I'll-a do you one better, how come NOMIXEL told me about-a this?

Glomp: I'll do YOU one better, LET'S MIX! *Holds up a Zombro/Glorp Corpian Cubit*

Bitooth: (Well, there's a first time for everything!)

Bitooth grabs the Cubit and the sequence begins. A pomato pops out of the ground with a stick of dynamite attached to it. The dynamite and pomato explode, revealing the word "Spudow!" and then the letters jumbled into "Dspdwuo!", creating a Mix. The Mix looked mainly like Bitooth with Glomp's nose, slime on the feet, one of Glomp's hands, and dark green spikes on the non-exposed leg.
The mix zoomed around the Frosticon in an attempt to get him dizzy, but the Frosticon stayed firm. The Frosticon swung his machete at the mix, but the mix dodged and kicked the Frosticon multiple times. The Frosticon swung his machete once more, but the mix kept dodging and dodging until the mix finally grabbed him, swung him around, and threw him from afar. Meanwhile, with Sweepz and Snax, the Frosticon flew in front of them near the entrance on his feet of one of the mountians.

Sweepz & Snax: AGH! *runs away*

Then a Cragster with an odd mouth dug up from the ground.

Demeoregon: *shrieks*

Sweepz & Snax run away from both monsters while hysterically screaming. Meanwhile with Globert and Mysto, who are inside a Gothic Victorian mansion on the other mountain.

Globert: Mysto, that apple-bobbing session was FABULOUS~! I mean, I would never think of putting Halloween decorations into that tub for the mood!

Mysto: I do not think those were simple pieces of plastic.

Globert: ..Wait, then what material were they made out of, fabric? Steel? Platinum?

Mysto: They might have been... real.

Globert: *gasp* No, they can't be real. Can they?

Mysto: It could be a possibility, Globert, it could be..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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