Part 2

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(Timeskip, in the kitchen with Gurggle, Snax and Sweepz.)

Gurrgle: I don't-a know about you, but I think there's something amiss.

Snax: I hear ya, Gurrgle. I mean, the bags weren't really comfortable, and I think they could use some blankets.

Sweepz: ..Wait a minute, maybe...

Gurrgle and Snax look to Sweepz in curiosity.

Gurrgle: Wait, go on.

Sweepz: ...Wait, what was it again?

Gurrgle: Ugh! *Facepalms*

Snax: Was it about the skull on the coat rack?

Sweepz gasps as he recalls the one he saw when all the invited mixels were together, inside the mansion.

Sweepz: I think that skull looked like MC!

Gurrgle: I really thought you were gonna say that THERE'S SOMETHING A-WRONG WITH THIS PLACE! Also, I thought it looked more like Teslo.

Snax: Guys, guys, you're both wrong. It looked more like Vulk, or maybe MC, I don't know.

And so, a discussion between the three mixels started about which mixel the cycloptic skull looked like. Meanwhile, Magnifo was still asleep in his bag, dreaming about performing a magic show. His dream looked like an episode of MLP, and his color pallette was somewhat like Twilight Sparkle's with his cape and hat being very Trixie Lulamoon-esque.

Vulk: *sounds like Applebloom* Oh Boy!

Krog: *sounds like Discord* This going to be good!

Slusho: *sounds like Rainbow Dash* Alright!

Sweepz: *sounds like Big Mac* You go, Magnifo!

Suddenly, Gobba in a clay, stop-motion art style is seen driving a clay, stop-motion tractor that is out of control.


Whoever is in the tractor's path jumps to the side, but Magnifo just looked at the tractor in horror, and just didn't move.

Gobba: *in a British accent* WENSLYDALE! MOVE, WILL YA!?

Before the tractor could hit Magnifo, he suddenly poofed away into the sky, falling to the ground. Before he could even touch the ground however, he woke up from his dream, breathing heavily. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Snax checks around to find at least something eat.

Gurrgle: Find any food, Snax?

Snax: Yeah, I found some count-sized peanut cups (A reference to Regular Show), hot sauce, mashed pomatoes with chives (Also a reference to Regular Show), a bottle with a skull on it... Wait, why the heck is there a bottle with a skull on it in here?

Gurrgle & Sweepz: There's WHAT!?

Sweepz: I KNEW IT! I knew you were a psychic Snax, this IS a horror movie!

Gurrgle: Don't be ridiculous, Mysto just said that he WAS NOT a psychic, ya hear?

The eyes in the painting start watching Snax. Snax picks up the bottle in curiosity and looks to the side of it, only to see that the text had been blocked out by tape with marker on it that says "Hot Sauce". Snax peels off the tape, only to realize that this bottle was actually poison! Snax fainted in fear, and then Gurrgle grabbed the bottle of poison.

Gurrgle: Wait a minute, what kinda of a mad man would keep poison in his closet?

Sweepz: ...*shudders* This is a horror movie.

Meanwhile, Kraw and Glomp are in the squashkin patch. Little do they know, something scary their way comes.

Kraw: I just know there's something wro-o-ong with that Xenomurp guy.

Glomp: I hear ya, Kraw. I mean, who just casually brings out bodybags? I get that it's to get us dry in the rain, but I don't know, it just doesn't sit right with me.

Rustling is heard and the two mixels looks around, but they then shrug it off.

Kraw: You think Mysto is right about, you kno-o-ow, about the "bad feeling about this invitation"?

Glomp looks at the ground, and then looked back at Kraw.

Glomp: ..Maybe?

???: *Groaning*

Glomp: *shudders* You hear that?

Kraw: Yeah, I think I really do-o-o.

Then, a Mixel limps out of the bushes. This Mixel was olive green and light grey in color, looking somewhat like Lunk. He had bigger buck teeth, no jaw, a two fingered hand, and bigger feet with two claws on each foot. His other hand was missing and his bones were showing on his right leg. This was Bitooth of the Zombros tribe, and he looked like he wasn't a morning Mixel.

Bitooth: *inaudible*

Kraw and Glomp start screaming and hugging each other.



Bitooth: *keeps limping over to the Mixels while a Flyroach scuttles out of his mouth*

As Bitooth got closer to Kraw and Glomp, they ran back to the mansion, screaming like maniacs. Kraw and Glomp ran into the kitchen, closing the door and leaning against it.

Snax: Oh, hey fellas.


The painting starts watching Kraw & Glomp

Gurrgle: Can you-a please not? We found out that Xenomurp has poison, we don't-a need zombies as well!

Glomp: Woah, woah, woah, woah, POISON!?

Kraw: I knew Mysto was right about this place!

The painting starts watching Kraw.

Sweepz: Wait a minute, if we're in a horror movie-

The painting starts watching Sweepz.

Gurrgle: For the last-a time, Sweepz, WE'RE NOT IN A HORROR MOVIE, AND-A SNAX ISN'T A PSYCHIC!

Bitooth knocked on the door. Well, more like pounding on it, because he was dumber than a koalaroo. Kraw and Glomp moved away from the door and then Glomp opend the it, which revealed to have Xenomurp behind said door.

Glomp: O-oh, sorry Xenomurp. We were running from this zombie and-

Xenomurp: Zombies? I haven't the slightest clue what you are talking about.

Kraw: No, it's true! We saw a.. Ugh... we saw a nixel in the squashkin patch just no-o-ow. *Leans next to Glomp to whisper "Okay, he's clearly not gonna believe us about the zombies."*

Glomp: *whispers back "Oh, gotcha."*

[Transition: The Mixels logo is carved into a squashkin.]

Timeskip, the Mixels are at a lake.

Xenomurp: This lake was the final resting place for a boy many fears ago... I'll scare you the details, but I'll save it for later. He got revenge on not only the Mixels who killed him, but also his mother... and he was a real cut up at it! *laughs*

HOTMV VIII: Little Vacation of Horrors (In Progress)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora