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Light beeps of a heart monitor and the small chatter of the nurses and doctors were all but muffled noises to their ears. All who had been involved in the fight against the League have been taken into the hospital to recover with Recovery Girl healing what she can.

The only person missing from the group of students was Y/n. The scene from the fight replayed in their minds constantly. They all blamed themselves for not being able to save their friend. They left to save one friend but left another behind.

The people who saw this on the news redeemed Y/n as a hero for giving her life to save the people she cared about. Although, some saw her as just some reckless student who just died trying. The hero's managed to remove Y/n from the place and melt the outer shell of ice without trying to harm her.

Parents flooded the hospital to come and pick up their kids. All reluctantly followed except for one in particular.

The boy's eyes were red and puffy from crying and his hair was a mess. He walked to the room Y/n's body was in. She was covered in a white sheet, her right side of her hair singed from red to a pure snowy white. The bed was warm, and it was safely melting away at the ice within her body.

The boy gently held her cold hand, his parents watched in the doorway. The boy smiled but his eyes soon flooded with tears once more, "Dammit" he spoke out silently and a tear landed on Y/n's hand.

The boy suddenly flinched as he felt a small movement from Y/n's hand. He wasn't too quick to believe that Y/n was alright because the doctor explained it could be a muscle spasm after being in extremely freezing temperatures. But what sparked in him was that it wasn't a spasm, she physically held his hand, and the heart monitor went from a flat line to a sudden spike.

The boy suddenly backed away and looked toward his mother who was in awe and disbelief. The bpm was very low and wasn't enough to keep her alive for long. But the boy knew what could. He rushed right out of the room to the doctor in charge of Y/n's body.

"Test to see if we are a match! She needs a donor right now, and we don't have one! We can switch hearts, hers is not able to function with her quirk right. Then if she gets mine and I get her we should be alright! If we don't do this she'll be gone forever!" he demanded, the doctor and nurses were stunned at his sudden demand but also reasoned with him. "The test will take about a day-"

"Then let's just do the switch now" he said, not wanting to listen to reasoning. "But if you both don't match then you both will die." the doctor said sternly.

The boy clenched his fists, "If I don't do something she WILL die this is the only chance I have to help her even if it would mean it being the last." his head drooped down a bit but the determination from the boy's words convinced the doctor to do the procedure.

All the staff got ready in the operating room while the boy got ready in the gown in the separate room. He laid down in the bed his thoughts racing about what could potentially happen to the both of them.

"Are you ready?" his mother asked him as one of the nurses came in to get him into the operating room. The boy nodded, "Ready as I'll ever be."

The nurses pushed the boy's bed outside of the room and towards the operating room. Outside was Endeavor, he looked at the boy and was shocked at who would be the donor. He was going to say something, but the boy gave him a determined look and Endeavor knew that there was no stopping him.

The boy was in the operating room and was put to sleep

Wake up an eerie voice whispered. The voice echoed throughout the walls of darkness going from nothing but a whisper to loud as someone yelling.

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