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After I black out, I was in a room with a mirror right in front of me. I was sitting in a chair looking at my reflection. I stood up and walked to this mirror, I looked around me now seeing mirrors all around me. Whispers could be heard from within those mirrors. I walked up to one of them and touched it and it immediately broke. All three mirrors broke leaving one huge one behind me.

I looked at my reflection slightly terrified, “Weak,” my reflection spoke to me, “You're so weak.” my eyes widened at my own reflection, it was moving and talking to me. How is that even possible. “I’m not weak,” I answered back, my reflection laughed at me sinisterly.

“Oh so you say you're strong? Do you think being nice to others makes you strong? That Bakugo kid has a pretty bad temper. And you have a soft spot for him, how cute.” My eye twitched and I punched the mirror but it didn’t break. I don’t have a soft spot for that bastard. My reflection cackled, “I’m not in the mirror, I’m inside you.”

“Get out of my head, dammit!” I shouted hearing the voice in my head, “You remember what happens when you get too close to someone don’t you? You remember all those times you aimlessly help others and what did they do for you?’

“Shut up!!” I shouted holding my head, “They did nothing, they betrayed you. Now there's Bakugo, he obviously cares about you, and on the inside I know you like him.” the voice eased it’s way into my head and I couldn’t stop it. I held my head tighter hoping it would just go away but it didn’t, it whispered taunting things, saying I’m weak for letting my soft side get out to him like that. Being reckless for doing that made me weak. The way I was crying in that closed space made me weak.

“And you know what happens to the ones you love when you have to protect them,” My head was forcefully shot up to look into the mirror. The sinister laugh filled my head as I watched my own reflection. “Freeze Freeze snap!!” the voice cackled as I saw my reflection’s left side face freeze up.


Pain shot through my head and tears of blood came pouring out of my eyes, looking into my reflection, I saw how broken I was, the ice that covered parts of my face cracked and broke leaving my skin to bleed. “You don’t want to freeze, you don’t want to die, do you?” the voice snickered as my quirk uncontrollably activated and began freezing my left side while my blue flames burned me on my right.

“No stop it!!!” I cried out trying to deactivate my quirk but it wouldn’t work. Immense pain shot through my body leaving me screaming in pain. 

The constant stabbing in my heart made me scream and scared me to death that I woke up in Recovery Girls office gasping for air.

“Oh gosh deary you frightened me, are you alright?” Recovery girl came over to me with a very concerned look. I found myself trembling so badly, it was just a dream, I was and still so scared. I looked at my body, no burns….no ice. I tried to calm down by taking a deep breath but I was still in a state of fear and shock. 

I brought my knees to my chest and trembled, a long strand of hair covered my face, I freaked out...It was my hair. Javen's quirk wore off, I looked at the clock, it was 5:32pm. Shit, I’ve been caught.

“Miss Todoroki am I right?” Recovery Girl questioned while looking at my appearance, I nodded, “I knew it,” she replied back. She knew already, “How did y-”

“I knew Endeavor had twins but one of them was a girl, and I was right.” Recovery Girl explained, “Yeah so would you mind telling me why you were a boy in the first place?” Aizawa startled me, he came out of his sleeping bag and sat down in a chair beside the bed. “Keeping quiet about this won’t do you any favor, such an  act like this can get you expelled. So I advise that you tell me why you were a boy in the first place.”

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