Chapter 2 F is for Failure

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Chapter 2

Your Trigonometry teacher Mr. Davies was clearly sick of every bodies shit and everyone knew it.

He taught his lessons the same way he probably taught them his first year of teaching. He wrote the material on the board. Barely gave enough examples on how to do the equations. And had the gall to do random pop quizzes and assign homework more times than not.

He was not a friendly man so most students didn't ask him many questions. The ones who did either got a short response of "yes" or "no" or a smart ass remark that would make the student shrink in their seat and accept defeat.

But you were determined to pass. You needed this class in order to be on the college prep track at Hawkins High.

After cleaning up your mess you mosey your way to Trig. You sheepishly walk up the third row and sit in the back next to Gareth. You normally try to strike up any kind of conversation with him because he wasn't stuck up like so many students at Hawkins and because you have a secret crush on him. But after your little show you did in the cafeteria, you wanted to lay low.

"You know y/n as much as I love Dr. Pepper too, I wouldn't want it coming out of my nose!"  Gareth said while sporting a shit eating grin on his face. You swore he winked at you too but you quickly put your face in your hands. Unfortunately the ground wasn't going to open up and swallow you whole so you didn't have to deal with your crush seeing you like this.

You look up from your hands and turn right at him and  begin to say, "Well I'm sorry Ashley wants to know how Eddie's rings feel on her bare skin..." Gareth eyes are as big as saucers and is about to say something to you when Mr. Davies strolls in the room.

"Okay class we started a portion of chapter six yesterday and today we will finish it and possibly start chapter seven."

Y/n takes notes while also trying to listen to Mr. Davies with such intense concentration, it's kind of cute. Gareth doesn't know how to read y/n. When she's in the hallway she seems so quiet and timid. But then he sees her at lunch she is laughing and making animated faces and body movements with her friends. But when she is in Trigonometry she seems to open up for friendly conversation.

He remembers on the first day of Trig seeing her walk in the room and scanning where to sit. He heard in passing she was the new girl. The first thing he noticed was how lost she looked. Then he noticed her jean jacket adorned in various band pins.

You don't see many rocker girls at Hawkins and he tried to look at them when she draped her coat over her armrest. Then as the class lulled into Mr. Davies rambling about his expectations of his students, Gareth  notices she is wearing a Heart tour shirt. How could a girl in Hawkins be so pretty and cool? He wanted to get to know more about y/n without appearing too eager.

Mr. Davies hands back the tests that you had yesterday.

He has some commentary for some students. "Well done", "Could be better", then hands yours over and states, "You really need to apply yourself y/n".

You look down at your paper and see a big, fat, red F on the upper right hand corner. You studied and took notes and tried to make sense of the work but you failed with flying colors. You can't fail Trig! But you can't wrap your head around those equations. Your eyes start to well up and you nose starts getting that tingly sensation.

Oh my god don't you dare cry in class! You try to calmly wipe your tears and casually put the test in your book bag. The bell rings and you high tail out and make a beeline to your bus.

Gareth saw the whole thing and wanted to say something to y/n. He has a little sister so he knows that sometimes trying to talk to somebody who is already crying will make it worse. Gareth may be a "freak" but he is also really good at trig. In an instant he has an idea.

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