Chapter 6 Fisticuffs

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Your working at Giovanni's. It's seven o'clock on a Wednesday evening. Your running the register and taking orders when Andy walks in. You know he was coming because you had to take his order over the phone. You hope he grabs his food and leaves.

When he strolls in he stares at you like your his next meal.

"How may I help you?"

"Made an order, name is Andy."

"Let me get that for you. I'll be right back"
Y/n hands him his pizza and just when she thought he was going to turn around and leave he says, "Your that girl I saw with that Hellfire freak. Did you take my advise and ditch him?"

"Gareth is a good guy. It's too bad you don't treat people with respect and instead call people names out your car window like a coward."

Andy looks surprised. Probably because he is used to other classmates and even most teachers treating him like a goddamn king.

"Well you might think I'm disrespectful but if you'd like I can treat you real nice. I'm digging the rocker chick look. How about after your shift you go for a ride with me. We can go somewhere nice and quiet. Get to know each other pretty good."

You blankly stare at him and tell him to have a good night and enjoy his food before walking away.

Thursday rolls around and you walk to your Trigonometry class and notice the room is buzzing with a lot more chatter than usual.

"Yeah I heard he got him good. I think he knocked him out."

"Well I saw the whole thing. Gareth went right up to Andys face and next thing you know fists are flying. He didn't stand a chance."

Something happened to Gareth. You looked at his empty seat and suddenly felt sick to your stomach.

A girl who sits a couple of rows over named Robin Buckley comes up to you and states, "Well, I guess you heard right?"

"Heard what?"

"Heard that Gareth got into a fight with Andy and Jason. He fought for your honor pumpkin."

"My what? I don't understand."

"Gareth overheard Andy talking about you and lost it."

"Where is he?"

"I think him and other two got sent home. Not sure how long they'll be suspended for. Only time will tell."

Before you can ask anymore questions Mr. Davies arrived and everything had to be put on hold until school was over.

As soon as you got off the bus you grabbed your bike and made a beeline to Gareth's. When you finally arrive you ring the doorbell and prepare to see the worst.

"What's shaken bacon?" Gareth says with a grin

You gasp while covering your mouth in shock.

"It's looks worse than it is."

"Gareth your one eye is swollen shut and your nose looks like it might be broken! What happened?"

You start to reach over to touch his face but pulled away fearing you'll make it worse.

"Don't worry about it."

Gareth was taking some books out of his locker when he heard Andy and Jason talking. He knew they were purposely talking loudly for him to hear.

"So I went to get pizza and guess who was there, y/n. I tried asking her on a nice date and she almost bit my head off. I guess girls like y/n are nothing but trash and are only good one for thing if you know what I mean!" Andy and Jason cackled while they made obscene hand and mouth gestures.

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