Watching toh

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(f/n - friend name, s/n - sibling name)

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You open your texts again to reread the message that c/n sent you last night. They had asked if you wanted to watch The Owl House with them. Of course you do, but you have never hung out with them outside of school and you feel like you might do something wrong that makes them think you're weird, or not want to hang out with you.

But c/n is really nice. You know that. They wouldn't be like some of those other kids. And they definitely support the LGBTQ community, whether they are in it or not. Homophobic people don't watch The Owl House.

With shaking fingers, you click send on the message you managed to type out.

I would love too!

Their reply comes back seconds later:

When do you want to watch it? I don't have anything to do today so we can today if you're available 

Yes! today would be great, you reply, but instantly regret it. Is an exclamation point too much? Do you seem too eager?

You sigh, setting your phone onto your desk. It wouldn't surprise you if c/n already knows you had a crush on them. You really aren't all that subtle, and with them coming over to your house, you at a higher risk to mess up.

The buzzing from your phone subsides the thoughts racing in your head. You pick your phone up and see a text from c/n.

Cool! When can I come over to your house?

As much as you want to want to reply "right now!," you don't want your texts to make them change their mind.

So you wait for a couple minutes before replying back. You told them they can come over in twenty minutes, which gives you twenty minutes to worry about what could go wrong. Great. You should've told them to come sooner.

After the dreadful wait, the doorbell rings. You run to try to get to the door before your parents or sibling, but you're too late. S/n reaches the door before you and opens it to reveal a nice looking c/n waiting outside.

"Your date's here c/n!" S/n shouts then turns around and sees you. "Oh. Hey, y/n."

You glare at s/n, then make your way over to c/n. "Hi! Sorry about my sibling,"

"It's fine." They laugh and push their glasses up. You feel your face heat up, and look away so they don't notice.

"Let's go to my room." You almost reach for c/n's hand, but you pull it away and walk upstairs to your room. They follow you, looking at the pictures of your family as they walk past the hallway.

You sit down on your bed and grab your computer. C/n sits down next to you and tucks a piece of hair behind their ear. When you open your computer, it takes forever to load. Of course your computer decides to be extra slow when you're with c/n. "Sorry, my computer is really slow today."

"It's no problem y/n. Computer are slow all the time." C/n smiles at you and you do the same.

Finally, when your computer loads you ask c/n what episode they want to watch. They pick the episode "Wing It Like Witches" and after that, you two watch a couple more episodes.

"That was fun," c/n says as they wait for their parents to pick them up. "We should hang out again." 

"Yeah." You smile and so does c/n. You really want to hang out with them more and are glad they think the same.

The doorbell rings and you both head downstairs. "Must be my parents," c/n says.

You nod. When you get the door you open it and no surprise, it is c/n's parents. You are kind of upset that they're leaving, it feels like they just got to your house. But at least you can text them.

"Bye y/n!" C/n smiles and leans towards you to hug you. You hug them back and a sense of overwhelming happiness floods you. You can't believe c/n is hugging you!

You want the hug to last longer than it does, but soon enough you both are pulling apart. C/n is grinning and waves as they leave. You wave back and watch as their parents car pull out of your driveway and down the street. 

It's not too long before you get a text from c/n that says: I can't wait to hang out with you again! 

Me too :), you reply with a smile on your face. You go up to your room as you start planning what you can do next time you hang out with c/n.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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