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The six of you finally found yourselves at the Byers' home. Johnathan and Argyl were lost in a little conversation while the rest of you stayed silent. The only sound among you four was footsteps and the occasional sighs of tiredness. El's hand was tightly clasped onto yours and you felt like a million volcanos went off because of how hot you were. It wasn't hot outside, but her skin just touching you had that effect. Will and Mike walked in complete silence up to the door. They looked almost like soulless dolls who had just got thrown out by their childhood human. You could almost see them relieving the past few hours. Maybe you would judge how things went down if you didn't like El. Johnathan opened the door to the house and went inside. Joyce and a random man were in the dining room.
"Well, well! Aren't you lot a sight for sore eyes, huh?" The man said enthusiastically. You felt a wave of confusion and nostalgia pour onto certain people. For you it was confusion, what else could you feel?
"Hi, Murray" Johnathan greeted him. You were pretty sure everyone but Joyce could tell he was totally buzzed. In a few moments, you were all sitting around the dining table. Mike sat on the left of El and Will was on her right. You sat next to Argyle noticing the tension between the three.
"There I was, headed down the I-5 going to see a client in Ventura," Murray explained why he was there and you couldn't help but notice how nervous he and Joyce were. He was a strange man but you could tell when people we nervous. It's like an aura people give off.
"I'm looking for a hotel to stay for the night," You glance around the table and notice how everyone has broken into different groups. Argyle and Johnathan are high out of their minds barely paying attention. Will, El, and Mik are awkwardly glancing at each other including you, and Joyce and Murray seem to be having a conversation.
"and suddenly, bam, it hits me. Didn't the Byers move here?" Murray and Joyce went on with their conversation. You found your eyes fall on El. She just stared at her food in disappointment, well that was before she caught your eyes. A small smile began to plaster itself on your face. Her eyes seemed to lighten up only for Mike to glance over and ruin it. You let out a silent huff of annoyance and were greeted with a few confused glances. Those glances were Murray and Will. Something inside of you told you Murray knew, but you couldn't decide if you were right.
"And he cooks." Joyce quickly said. By muscle memory, you nodded. Will seemed a little surprised you could keep up with the conversation. In all fairness, you were only hearing bits and pieces.
"Mm, and cleans. A regular little housewife." Murray jokingly patted his hair as a wife would in a stupid generic show. Despite this, you couldn't help but smile. It was a long day and at this point, any type of humor would help.
           "You should stay." Joyce nervously suggested. Murray seemed to think for a second. There was something up you just couldn't put your finger on it.
           "I'd be tempted, Joyce, except, you know, you have that, uh..." Murray looked around nervously and you lifted an eyebrow.
           "Right, that business trip." Joyce finished his sentence and your mouth gaped open. Too many thoughts bounced around in your head. Where would you go? You basically lived there, and would she trust you enough to stay alone at her house? Would you have to go home to an empty house like usual? Would you all go with her? Is she leaving alone? When is she coming back? Does anyone other than Joyce know how to cook? Johnathan could, when he wasn't stranded, but 99% of the time he was. Would she hire a babysitter because she didn't trust you all? Where was she going? Why so suddenly? Your fork dropped onto the plate with a loud clank while questions shot out of everyone's mouths.
          "And it turns out I have to go to a conference tomorrow. In Alaska." Joyce said it like it was nothing.
          "Alaska!?" Your eyes widened when you gasped. Your mind seemed to race at a higher speed with every second. The conversation continued while your stomach knotted at least a million times. Suddenly the once delicious food in front of you wasn't appetizing at all.
           "So do Eskimos, like, still live in igloos, or, uh, are they, like, fully-blown, like living in the... in the suburbs now?" Argyle questioned. You shook your head embarrassed for Argyle. This is why you know plans before you get high you assumed.
            "Please stop talking." You shot a glare towards Argyle who just shrugged. He was funny of course, but this was not the time.
            "Who are they?..." Murray said in a low voice practically whispering. The rest of the painfully embarrassing conversation consisted of Joyce almost finding out Johnathan was stoned out of his mind. Murray catching onto why Argyle and Johnathan we're acting so strange. Then the topic of what happened today came up.
            "This girl got shmacked in the head today at the roller rink." You elbowed Argyle who just continued. Then your eyes fell on El. She looked miserable, sad, and depressed. You knew this was still a sensitive topic, but they were unintentionally rubbing salt into the wound. You slid into your seat slightly to tap El's leg with your foot. El looked at your slightly while still looking down at her plate. You tried to think of a way to ask if she was okay, but you couldn't.
            "She's totally fine," Argyle said nonchalantly. Joyce just nodded. You were happy they didn't say El did it, luckily, yet it still hurt to see her like that.
            "She didn't look fine." Mike slipped into the conversation passive-aggressively. Will looked shocked he said this, and you could only guess you did too. El aggressively got up from the table rushing to her room.
            "Thank you for the food, but t I need to check on her" Even though you rushed away you tried to be as respectful as you could. Before leaving the table completely you glared at Mike.
            "Hey, El are you okay?..." You asked sympathetically. The door was barely opened but you stayed in the hallway not wanting to barge in on her.
            "Can I come in?" You leaned your head on the door making sure you hold yourself up with the wall. El grumbled something that sounded like a yes, so you softly opened the door. She was sitting on her bed leaning up against the wall. Even when she was sad she was the most beautiful girl you ever saw.
           "You hate me. Don't you?" El sighed as her eyes welled up. You quietly shut the door and sat beside her on the bed.
            "El... I could never hate you." You looked at her and she shook her head. Doubt was plastered all over her face.
            "I'm a bad person Y/N, did you see everyone?" her frown deepened and you felt bad just seeing her sad.
            "El they don't know you enough to have an opinion on you." You said sternly. Somehow her hand found yours, but you didn't complain. She finally looked directly toward you about to say something.
           "No buts El. You are the nicest person I've ever met. Want to know who was my first ever friend? You! It was you. Just because you stood up for yourself after a whole school year of being bullied doesn't mean you are a monster." Your eyebrows furrowed and she looked at a loss for words.
            "Y/N I'm not like you though. I AM a monster.   I hurt someone." El squeezed your hand and you felt your ears heat up.
            "Look, I know I don't know what happened before you moved, and I'm not gonna make you tell me because right now your not whatever your past is. Plus today you were totally badass. Did you see Angela she won't ever mess with you again!" With your free hand, you poked her chest and she smiled.
            "I was bitchin'?" she asked you. A smile spread across your face. You finally knew what she meant.
            "So bitchin'. I didn't think it was possible for me to like-" You slapped your free hand over your mouth before you finished your sentence. El raised an eyebrow and you slowly lowered your hand.
             "What?-" El asked confused. You shrugged your shoulders nervously and she smirked.
             "Well since you don't know..." She unlinked your hands and began to tickle you to get it out of you. Stubbornly you didn't say it, which resulted in her tickling you until you almost fell off the bed. After that, you two decided it would be safer to just talk. A little talk turned into hours of talking about random things. This is what you loved about her. You two could go on for hours without getting bored.   At around Two in the morning, El finally fell asleep next to you. Both of you were laying on her bed sharing a pillow and blanket. It wasn't like you two didn't have little sleepovers in her room, but this time you knew you liked her. You couldn't complain it was just your face was burning making it feel smoldering under the blanket.
             "You should come to Hawkins with us... You would meet my friends. Then we could all sleep over..." El muttered but then trailed off back to sleep. You smiled as she snuggled into your side more than she already was. You wished that moment could last forever. Sadly the morning light woke you up. El's eyes were blocked by her hand so she didn't see the blinding light. You slipped out of bed not wanting to wake her up. When you made it to the kitchen you noticed everyone was awake. Joyce had already left so Johnathan made Eggos. Els favorite food was Eggos you remember that being one of the first things you two talked about. You three held a small conversation about what you guys would do today. It didn't last long because Mike quickly brought Els plate to her room. You assumed she was already awake considering Mike stayed in her room until there was a knock at the door. Johnathan opened the door with You and Will behind him.
            "Hi, does Jane Hopper live here?" Someone who looked like a police officer asked. A look of confusion was shared between the three of you.
             "Uh, yeah. Um, what is this about?" Jonathan and the woman (I swear to God I forgot if it was a male or not I'm sorry) branched into a conversation about the incident while you froze up. You knew what was gonna happen, they would take her. Two ideas occurred in your mind, go upstairs and warn her and get her away. The other option was to deny she even lived here, but your mind couldn't decide. Your body seemed to be frozen because all you could do was leave your mouth hanging slightly open. The person didn't look like an officer per as, but more like someone higher up. This fact only made your stomach turn more. What would they do to El?? Mike and El walked down at seemingly the worst time. The officer looked like an eagle spotting prey, and she was spotting her prey. El ended up in a handcuff while being pushed into a police car. You watched as everyone asked questions and Mike talked to El. All you could do was stand there like a lost puppy. Johnathan, Will, and Mike bickered about what to do.
             "Shut up already!" You snapped suddenly. Without thinking you rushed out the door. Mike seemed to have the same idea because you both ran just to catch up to the car, but it was out of reach. Last night was probably the last sleepover, the last time you two talked, the last time for everything. You were at a loss for words. Everything in your mind wasn't coming out. You two just stood in the road for a second in silence. Your mind felt full and empty at the same time. Sounds of cars riding past you two barely missing you rang in your ears. Yet at the same time, only her voice replayed in your mind
             "This is so- just- unfair!" you struggled to find the right words a new feeling of understanding sunk into the two of you. The feeling of losing someone. No matter how used to never taking to your parents you knew you wouldn't get used to El being gone. Never.
              "She's... Gone." You gave you putting a sentence together and Mike seemed to give up on saying or showing anything at all. This one time you could sympathize with him.

Word count: 2185
A/N: God this chapter sucks ass😭 It's so rushed but I hope you guys liked it. Also I promise this has a happy ending I just wanted to put that out there. Oh! and I'm trying to make Y/N relatable the best I can and not have her have a basic ass personality. (ex: way to soft, "bad" girl, etc.) because it makes me cringe so hard when people do that (no offense to anyone who does like that we all learn somewhere) Also how are we feeling ab your personality in this tell me suggestions !! Theres so much I need to cover but anyways im trying to branch out on word ussage like adjetives adverbs etc because I feel like recently its been really shitty. One more thing unrelated to this Im gonna make a byler fic soon yay. This chapter came out way earlier then I thought it would like honestly i thought it would take atleast a week but yk its kinda rushed🤷. One last thing I just want to clarify I usually only write y/n with she/her pronouns(unless its a male mlm character thats j weird to write them x women..) but im infact nonbinary its just hard for me to write in anytning but she/her I promise im working on it and someday ill get better at other pronouns. Well thats it thank you all for reading these few chapters i've made :)


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