In & Out burger date 😍‼️

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The sun scorched through the curtains and my room getting brighter. Morning, already..I hated them. I don't wake up easy at all, it takes awhile to even stand up. Let alone get up to go to work. Thankfully i have the day off! Fritz and Joan took me and Jermey's spot for today-..shit. I forget i set a date with Jeremy today, thats why I'm off.... I mean yeah I'm excited and all but absolutely terrified. He's not the type to judge, but i mean i haven't been on a date since those stupid middle school dances. I don't exactly have any experience and i feel like I' ll screw it up. I just need to calm down. Maybe get a coffee and just relax before 2 hits. Then thats when ill be with him. Im just glad we get along and were like best friends, although yeah i am a bit extroverted like him, no clue how he can walk about to some random ass person and strike up a friendship. Absolutely crazy.

I finally got up from my bed and walked downstairs a nice warm coffee is the one thing I'm dreaming of now, and maybe hanging out with Jeremy, But thats out of picture! As the coffee brews i stood in silence other than occasional yawns. Finally it was done, i added creamer and made my way up back to my room, and pounced straight on my bed. The greatest feeling ever, just a soft bed welcoming you.

1:30 pm, Thursday 1986
Holy fuck, 30 minutes, straight panic flowing through my brain. Will i look okay? I mean i look fine. But what if he doesn't like me? What if he just regrets everything? God I'm overthinking I've known him since we worked at Great Skate together. We always share the same job ever since we met, we worked at Wendys before Freddys. It was to dirty there, boring, the food wasn't even that good. Just overall an okay restaurant ( Wendys fans about to attack me 😨) Okay, now I'm getting side tracked. I need to calm down. Just breathe... - The clock hits 1:45 - i need to leave..

- 2:00 pm - The date begins -
I walk in my heart racing so hard my body was going cold. I look up and see Jeremy, They were in a blue sweater and black wide ripped jeans. Although it didn't match his out fit, he had his freddy's hat on, every since he got it he wore it like a trophy. It was kinda adorable. Next thing i know he walks up to me with a grin on his face, he softly yells "Y/n! Your finally here!" " Yeah, i ran a little late...Sorry about that, just traffic." I said with a small smile on my face. They give sympathy "Nah its fine, Its only a few days before Christmas being are going bonkers!" I smiled and he grabbed my hand unexpectedly pulling over to the busy line full of people trying to get food. It took awhile but we finally got the counter, We ordered and sat down. Jeremy was looking at me with a smile. I gave him a small confused expression. "Sorry for staring, you just look absolutely stunning" He said smiling putting their hand on their cheek. I laughed and blushed a little, Also glad he didn't use those cheesy pickup lines that he always uses. They're worse than seem. We talked for awhile getting into random discussions about what songs we like more, I personally though Love grows was better than whatever random music they listened to. He grumbled with small mad expression on his face. Still he ended up breaking the act and he bursts out laughing. I started to laugh to. We were interrupted by a guy serving us our food. We thanked them and started to eat, still managing small talk. Minutes felt like seconds, hours felt like minutes. It was already 4:30. They seemed to notice the time too. We finished eating an hour ago and were talking for forever. We payed for the food ( THE BILL WAS SPLIT LIKE IT SHOULD BE ‼️‼️😍) And left. We talked on out way out, " This was honestly the best date I've had..Thanks Y/n!" They smiled softly and gives a gesture for a hug. I fall into his arms, he probably gave the best hugs out there. We break apart and we say our goodbyes. I drive home as my hart beats out of my chest. My happiness was so hard to control. The date went absolutely great. Wow..Maybe i was overthinking it..

Bro finally, anyway im posting this. Ill make more chapters i just wanna see how this does and stuff ✨
Bro i was so close to 1000 words lmao (808)

Jeremy x Reader Oneshots 😻‼️‼️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora