Eight Months Ago [part1]

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(this is unedited I'm so sorry)



My heavy eyelids were lifted up by the sudden noise from my phone which was already vibrating its way off the nighstand.

I slammed my hands around it and brought it to my face.

Although the light was blinding me, I saw enough to read the name of the little fucker that dared to ring me in the middle of the night.

Eric's name lit up the screen. Of course.

"Hello,"I croaked as I sat upright in my bed.

"God your sleepy voice is sexy," his voice was slurred, a result of alcohol rushing in his system.

He's drunk. I should have expected it. It's Friday.

"And you sound like an idiot when you are intoxicated," I replied, hesitantly getting up from my bed. It's those situations once again.

"No,it's true, Livvie. I'm speaking the truth," he responds lazily.

Quickly,I grabbed a coat and jumped into a pair of boots. "And I am speaking with a sober mind."

I shuffled out of my room still trying to shake of the sleepiness and searched around for my car keys.

"Whose party are you at right now, Eric?" I asked as I hurriedly passed the front door.

"Err..I think it might be Peige Andrew's party, however, I also reckon it might be Michael Alders'". He says unsurely, hearing the ridiculously loud music in the background.

"You don't even like Michael, Eric. You're at Andrew's."

"Ah!Yes! Michael Alders!" He affirms reassuringly. "But you know what Livvie, I swear I heard Peige Andrew was throwing a party too." He muffled, confused. I rolled my eyes, he is so drunk he can't even absorbed or relay information properly.

I took a deep breath before I quietly turned the keys to the engine."Eric?" I called out, making sure that he was somehow still awake and breathing.

"Yeah?"He shouted over the boisterous music.

"Do not move, I mean it. Don't go anywhere else or else I'll cut your balls off," I threatened as I slammed down on the accelerator towards the Andrew house.

"Hmm,I never thought of you handling my balls, Livvie." He insinuates as disgust spread in my face.

"Ugh,Eric, just be quiet and stay where you are. I'm on my way." I yelled, ending the call and dropping my phone on the seat next to me.I stepped on the pedal even more, trying to remember the address that Eric gave me earlier when he was trying to bring me with him.

Judging the situation now, I probably should have gone to that party with him.

After approximately ten minutes of surveying every house of each road for clamours of intoxicated teenagers. I finally came across and trashed lawn with a sea of beer bottles and red cups on the grass.

Oh,and Eric's drunken state lying on a bench by the door step. Despite being at least twenty metres away from the house and my car windows being tightly shut, I could still hear the bass thumping and the music blaring from the walls.

I immediately swung the car door open and jumped out on the ground of plastic cups and bottles. the party obviously moved inside as the temperature dropped.

Eric lied on the tiny bench with most of his legs hanging out at the end."Eric," I whispered into his ear, avoiding garnering any attention from the festivity indoors.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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