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We sort of edged away from the topic as we were waiting in line, just talking about usual stuff until we got to the front of the line. The lunch lady's name was Ms. Arina, not that there was anything unusual of her but there were some rumors surrounding her. Examples as if that wasn't her real name, as such she was never featured in any yearbooks. I don't dwell on it since it isn't spoken of often.
After lunch we had art class, mostly everyone's favorite. People either liked art, or just enjoyed it because the art teacher was quite easy going and lenient. Like people would take advantage and not do homework given by the art teacher, her name is Ms. Elle.
"Hello everyone! We have run low a bit on the art supplies for the lesson I have set up today, but luckily I found some old canvases that haven't been used. It may be a bit worn down, but I assure it'll work just as good." she says. I too like Ms. Elle, she lets us sit wherever we want and also talk freely often. But unfortunately, Celestine, Floris, and I ended up with the few old canvases. "Hey Mlis.." I looked over to my right to see Celestine with a puzzled look on her face. She flipped over her canvas and pointed to tiny pencil writing placed in the corner of it. I squinted and saw another code. ".- .-.. .-.. / -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . / --- ..-. / - .... .- - / .. -. -.-. .. -.. . -. - .-.-.-"
"Cel, did you bring your phone?" I whispered, even though the class was loud, I felt unsettled. "No...But lets show Floris and ask them" she replied. "Floris! Celestine wants to show her painting." Which was a lie. I saw Ms. Elle glancing at us often, but it was very subtle so I'm not sure if anyone else noticed or I was just being paranoid. I looked over to her directly and she just did her usual smile. I ignored it for now and showed Floris what Celestine had found. "So did you bring your phone..?" I asked. "Yea, here"
I was so relieved. I pretended as if I was taking photos of her art, just to be careful, not that Ms. Elle did anything bad. Floris and Celestine probably caught on as well because they also went along with my act.

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