day 1

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i was chilling in my big house when there was a knoch on the doror. i opened the door to see a big camera taking pictured of me. "no!" i screamed because i havent done my daily ritual to make me look young. i shut the door and ran to my ritual room. i shut the door and locked it and grabbed my cherry candles. i set them out all around ant lit them. i chanted immortalititty five times and i felt my wrinkles dissapearing.

once i was done i blew out the candles and went out of the room. omg i need more clothes im gonna go to the store to buy more. my phone rings so i answer it someone says "hello" i say w"ho are you" they say "ur mom" i hang up.

i arrive at jc penicnnys and grab lots of clothes and bring them up to pay the worker says "omg oprah u dont have to pay if you sign my shirt" i say "ok" amd take out my sharpie and sign his shirt then leave.

im so tired when i get home so i eat cake then take a bath. before i get in i take of my weavr. i fal asleep in the bath. i fart and wake myself up. i drain the water out and change into my pajamas. i pit my weave on my table beside my bed.

i get into my bed and go to sleep.

the oprah diariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora