day 3

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hi its oprah and today im hungry so i eat yum today i will be going to a middle school to meet fans fuirst i do my daily ritueal to make the wringked on my face go away. their we go all bbetter. i get dressed in a green shirt and jeans with flipflops amd get i oto my car amd drive to middle school. i run in and yell yo what is up fpeople nobody noticesg so i walk down hallway. i get into hallway with green lockers and go into room. the teacher is confused i walk out. i walk into anotherroom to see kkids taking test i walm out. i see john hereerrrrrra and tell him winter is coming. some guy says their is a ruler out here and brings a yard stick i cry. he the pokes me with yard stick. i cry. that yard stick is wrond my yard is bigger than that i say he ays mine too we hug. i walk away and see students they see me and come up to me saying omg oprah i wanna be oprah so freakinhh bad the world better preparer for when i become oprah and they walk away i take sharpie draw catface whisheresdd on my face they say ok and i go home amd take a bath

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