Our memories of the field

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Hi guys!!! 

My first part of the story! Just to let you know,I will try to put music in every chapter!

Enjoy the story and music~

*Magnus's pov* 

It's early morning.Really early,most of the city is asleep.The sky has a pinkish tint,the sun hasn't risen yet.I yawn.This field is so peaceful,sometimes I just sit here and all my worries melt away.Emily comes and sits beside me.

"Hey Magnus." Emily mumbles 

"Morning Emily"I say 

"The field is so pretty especially in spring. Don't you think?"Emily asks

"Yeah, especially when the dandelions bloom,it looks like a place right out of a fairy tale" I agree 

Emily starts giggling and before I know it,she taps me on the shoulder. 

"You're it!" Emily states 

"Emily no, you've got to rest!The doctor said-" She's already running. She sprints past the oak tree, laughing. 

"See Mag, I'm fi-"I hear coughing. 

"Mag, I'm,"cough cough"coughing,"cough"up blood!" 

"YOU WHAT?"I demand and dash over to here and help her back inside.I clean her up and call the ambulance. 

It was all my fault,I should never have let her run like that.If I didn't,she wouldn't be in hospital right now.A tear leaks out of the corner of my eye and streams down my face.As long as I complete my task AAAnimus will cover her treatment cost. he grass is emerald green and long.Some birds chirp in the distance.I sit down.I rub my eyes.I wake up so early for work these days.I hardly get proper sleep... 

Today, I'm going to go to be babysitting,working at the local cafe.And my other "job" as well.I do what I do for Emily, she's all that I have left.I can't loose anyone else.Even after working at all these jobs, it's still not enough to live buy,or for her treatment.Emily's clothes are too big or have too many holes.She's slowly wasting away.There's not much time,I have to work overtime until I feel like I'm about to faint.I'll work from 6:00 in the morning to 12:00 in the night today.

I slip on my purple hoodie and leave the house.I walk to the bus stop.The city is so quite and serene I inhale and my nerves relax.I tap my card onto the scanner.I take a seat right at the back of the bus and stare out of the window.The yellow ball in the sky shines,dating golden rays of sunshine everywhere.A family of four pass by.It looks like Emily is skipping and grinning from ear to ear.I'm holding her hand and we're laughing together.Mum and Dad slightly behind,smiling.I blink again,and it's over.I scowl, it's just some random family.We could never be like that,my parents died years ago.Its the whole reason I work overtime,I need to stop getting lost in memories or fantasies and except reality.Aoi miku,the kid I'm babysitting for.Her hair is brunette and it's waist long. She has huge  emerald green eyes.She's cheeky but sweet and caring.She can be really stubborn at times.

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