chapter 3-"Milkovich cheated on her" Ian says in a pissed voice

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I wake up next to Iggy and since it was early I took my dress and I wrote a message that I left on his night stand. I put one of his sweatshirts in because I was cold and I put my heels that I had from last night, great I have to walk from their house all the way to mine

I get out of his room and start going towards the front door, I get confronted by Mickey

He had bruises everywhere

"the fuck you going?" he asks me

"home and thank you for yesterday" I say

"whatever I did it for Iggy" he says it kind of broke my heart but after all I'm with Iggy

"ok" I say as I get out of his house

I get to my house and Fiona comes out of nowhere, let me precise it was 7:15 so everyone was awake

"what happened?!" she asks/ yells running in my arms

"remember Milo?" I ask her

"yeah?" she answers

"well he tried to rape me but the Milkovichs where there to save me along with Lip and Ian" I say as she gives me a hug again

"that's what Ian said when he came back with blood all over his face and hands" she tells me "maybe after all I don't mind you having Mandy as your best friend and Iggy as your boyfriend"

"haha see I told they were good people" I say as I let he go and start going up the stairs

"hey Lexi..." Ian tells me

He looks like he didn't sleep at all, he had bruises, guessing from yesterday when Milo was trying to defend himself

"Ian..." I say as my twin jumps in my arms

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner I could've stopped him and you wouldn't have to deal with him, this is all my fault" He says putting his hand through his hair

"Ian, it isn't your fault I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing, I just wanted to have fun with Mandy and I saw them, I thought Milo was nice but I guess Seb didn't have any idea of what he did, I also thought I was gonna have fun, like I told you so please if it's anyones fault it's mine" I say as I hug him harder

"sorry" he says

"don't be" I say as I give him a kiss on his cheek

"how are you?" He asks me

"I'm fine don't worry" I say

It was completely a lie, I wasn't fine at all I wanted to kill myself right then and there and I still do, I want to cut my vains so deep that I bleed my hole fucking body out.

And you know what's funny? It's that no one in the family noticed that I have extreme bipolar disorder, I take meds and act like everything is fine but take a step closer and that's why I always skip school because i'm 'sick' but not really I just sit in my bed all day crying, so that gives me another reason to die, the only people that know that I'm really not okay are Mandy and Ian

I take some of my pyjama clothes and go in the shower

I put the water in the hottest setting not caring if the others aren't gonna get cold water and I burn myself with the water that comes down on my skin.

After my shower I put in my long sleeve and my comfy pants

I see a pair of scissors sitting on the sink, I look at myself in the mirror then at the scissors, why the hell not

Gallagher with a Milkovich? ImpossibleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora