chapter 4-"hey Fi, so how did it go with the slut?"

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It was two weeks after the "accident" with me and the hospital and I still wasn't recovered yet, the scars were still here and if you pressed on it hard enough you could see my bone, but anyways I was at work when I got a call from Lip freaking out about Monica being at Sheila's

"Ian" I say as I look at him in disbelief "the bitch is home"

"Monica?" he asks

"yeah" I say as we both put our boxes down and run to Sheila's house

"MONICA!" I say as I storm in angry, Lip and Ian try to stop me but they can't stop me from yelling

"oh Lexi I've missed you so much, you've gotten so pretty, oh and Ian-"

"FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!" I yell as hard as I can

"talk to your mother differently!" I hear a fat black girl that I've never seen before holding Liam, she was probably roberta

"she isn't my FUCKING mother, if she was a real mother she would've of never EVER left, and never promise me to go with her and left me on the side of the FUCKING HIGHWAY, SO MONICA FUCK YOU" I say

And can tell she started crying after fucking Robertas comment

"so you know what monica, I hope you realise what you did was wrong and I swear if you do the same exact thing to one of my siblings expect death, NO ONE MESSES WITH MY SIBLINGS!" I yell as I storm off and run to the Milkovich, I was really hoping that Mandy would answer but of course not, it was Iggy

"what's wrong Lexi?" he asks me, because he saw my tears

"is Mandy home?" I ask ignoring his question

"no she went to the store" He says still confused

"fuck, okay" I say

"come in" he says opening the door for me

Mickey, Joey and Jamie were playing video games, again, and instead of saying hi I started fully making out with Iggy in the kitchen

Mickey happened to go get a bear when he saw us

"you guys are fucking gross, get a fucking room" He says hitting Iggys head than mine less hard

"don't fucking touch my girl" Iggy says

"dude it didn't hurt" I say as Mickey turns around

"I don't give a fuck he hit you and that's not tolerable" he says looking in my eyes

"he barely touched my head give him a break" I say as he looks back at Mickey who looked like he was ready to punch his brother for me

"I hit her less hard than I hit mandy" He says

"what the fuck your talking about, you hit mandy so fucking hard" Iggy says going towards him ready to punch him

"okay babe let's go in your room, we have unfinished business to do" I say trying to change the subject

Mickey looks like he's gonna puke but Iggy turns to me and instead of his killer face it turns to a flirtatious smile, he picks me up on his shoulder, so my ass is clearly next to his face and in front of Mickey, which Iggy covers with a hand on my ass. We go in his room and he closes the door.

2 hours later

"wtf you could have put a sign on the door" Ian says coming in our bathroom back at my house, covering his eyes he takes the shampoo and sights "I guess sill wash my hair in the kitchen sink"

After he leaves me and Iggy finish what he were doing and we put our clothes back on and go down stairs

"hey Fi, so how did it go with the slut?" I ask her not wanting to pronounce her name

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