Sandy Days (A Doctor Who Fanfiction)

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Before you start reading, this was a school project. The actual title was "Blimey Cheerio Fish and Chips SpongeBob Tennant". Don't ask me why, but those are my favorite words and my teacher told me to make it my title. Enjoy.


                 As I slug downstairs to the living room couch, I notice SpongeBob is on TV. I also notice that my mother is not home and I just assume that she's at work. I usually just wake up on weekends and watch SpongeBob on Netflix. It's really the only thing I did with my weekend other than writing songs.

                "Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh." I heard a noise coming from outside. Immediately I put on my flip flops and ran out the door. This was a noise I recognized. It was the sound of the T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space). If you'd ever watched Doctor Who, you would understand too.

                 Staring at the blue box called the Tardis, I froze in place and just starred as David Tennant walked out. My mouth dropped and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe that it was him. I was so star struck that I didn't even realize that there had to be trouble if he was here. Then he saw me.

                 "Well hello there." He said as he smiled at me.

                After standing there a second like an idiot, I stuttered, "Y... You... You're..."

                 "Yes, I'm The Doctor. At your service Miss."

                That was probably the greatest moment of my life. Then, he asked my name and I told him. We talked for about a minute and got to know each other. David then starts to explain why he's here.

                "There's a problem. The Snake Queen has captured some people. She's going to hold them captive until her snake slaves take over their bodies. They want to make a new race of people. Snake people."

                 "Alright, certainly not the strangest task you've had to do. Now we should get going. But can we pick up my body guard first? I think she can help."             

                 He nodded his head and we picked up my body guard, Ms. Reger. Next, the Tardis took us to this strange building. It was made of sand, rocks, and what looked like dried up mud. This was going to be interesting.

                "So, Jessica is?" I nodded my head. "So here we are. In the middle of nowhere, but it has to be somewhere sense we're here. But where is somewhere?"

                David Tennant would usually talk like this. He would make sense out of something that sounds like it doesn't make sense. That's how he rolls and nobody is going to change that.

                Ms. Reger looked puzzled. I think he might have said it too quickly, but I understood. Yes, I knew exactly what he was saying. I watch too many episodes of Doctor Who.

                 "Alright Doctor, humor me. Where are we right now?" I asked, pretending like he didn't know.

                 "Let's see. There's sand. Lots and lots of sand. But what does it taste like?" He gets on his hands and knees and picks up some sand. Then, he puts it on his tongue.

                 "What is that? Sonoran? Mojave? No. Nevada!"

                 I knew David would figure it out. He usually does. The sand tasting is a little odd, but he has to figure it out somehow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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