blaze inferno part 2

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My name is Kasai oda. The daughter of the tyrant Bōkun oda. I hate him. I hate him so much. Because of him. Everybody avoided me or kissed my butt out of fear. He doesn't treat me like I'm his daughter. He's done nothing but make me miserable in order to kill my kind heart. He wants to turn me into him. A Cruel and heartless tyrant.

There were two people who kept that from happening. My maid shinsetsu folium. Who was less of a maid and more like the mother I never had. And blaze inferno tachinowarui. My best friend. I want to see him again. So badly. even though I don't deserve it.

I know what happened. His dad. His mom. His little flame. All sent to the gallows. By my father's orders. Because of me. I put my face in my hands and cried.

"I'm so sorry blaze...i'm so sorry. You were the best thing that happened to me. And all i did was get your family killed..i'm so so sorry." i sobbed. I then heard my door open. And saw shinsetsu. Holding a tray. It had tissues. arma cola. And a steak sandwich. Most likely from the pyrus grill. The restaurant blaze took me too. It was his favorite. And it quickly became mine as well.

"Master blaze really does have good taste. Doesn't he my lady?" shinsetsu said. Putting the tray on the table in my room

"Yeah" I said as I got out of bed and sat down at the table. Taking the sandwich and biting into it. Blaze was right. The pyrus grill really does have the best steak in all of the sanctuary. The flavor. Reminded me of all the good times I had with him. I started to tear up again.

"My lady. Stop blaming yourself. What happened to armos haveena and light was not your fault" shinsetsu said sternly.

"But it-" i tried to but shinsetsu interrupted

"Your father was the one who ordered it. He was the one who separated you from him. He wanted you both to suffer. And soon he will answer for his many crimes."

I widened my eyes. Answer for his crimes? How? Nobody can oppose him! Then I remembered. There was another lost relic. The armageddon blade! Was it found!? By who?

" you mean...somebody found the armageddon blade!?" i asked. But then shinsetsu giggled

"Oh my. Blaze didn't tell you? Or did he not know until now? Most likely the ladder. Knowing how brutally honest that young knight is." shinsetsu responded.

"What? What do you mean shinsetsu?" I asked.

"The Armageddon blade. It was never truly lost. It has been with the tachinowarui for generations. Blaze's family was tasked with keeping it out of the hands of the wicked and greedy. Same goes for the oda family. Your ancestors were tasked with keeping the right of lords from ending up in the hands of those too weak to resist its dark influence. Ironic that a descendant of the oda. Was too weak to resist its evil influence. Bōkun must have your ancestors rolling in their graves my lady." shinsetsu explained.

I was shocked to hear this. The tachinowarui and the oda. Our families were giving were giving the tasks of keeping the two lost relics of armageddon. Two weapons of pure almighty power. Out of the hands of those would use them for evil. For there own selfishness.

I was also angry. To know that my father. Bōkun oda. Essentially spat on that duty.

Betrayed our entire bloodline. Threw away the sacred mission we were given by the ancients! Even the dead get screwed over by my tyrant father!

" said Bōkun was going to answer for his crimes." I said. I'm done calling him father. Bastard doesn't deserve it "is it going to be at the hands of blaze?" i asked

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