"Hey, don't leave me out!"

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"GOOD MORNING, GUYS!!" Kokichi burst into Y/n and Shuichi's room, screaming at 8am. "Wanna make brownies?"

"W-what?" Y/n was used to Kokichi being her alarm, but she was very tired from the night before. "Oh, yeah sure, lemme just get up first."

"Yeah, I'm ready when you guys are." Shuichi's voice filled the room, reminding Y/n of the night before. He carried me to bed...what a gentleman...

Y/n got up and went to the bathroom, and brushed her teeth, half asleep, thinking about Shuichi as usual.

When she was finished, she went back into her room to be met with a shirtless Shuichi. "Oh shit, sorry! I just came back to get clothes." Y/n sputtered, blushing.

"I-it's fine, I'm leaving now" Shuichi smiled, as calm as possible.

Y/n thought to herself, still quite flustered, getting ready. Why do I hold onto random details? He's just a nice guy.

After calming down a little, she went downstairs to be met with Kokichi and Shuichi in the kitchen, confused. "I don't actually have any idea how to make brownies, I just said it to wake you guys up..." Kokichi muttered.

"Just search up a random recipe...?" Y/n explained, as Kokichi sprung back up to his usual mood.

"Oh yeah! Why didn't you say that Shuichi?"

"I don't know..."


Y/n started mixing the ingredients together in a bowl, as Kokichi complained he was too weak.

"Hey, Shuichi, you should give a brownie to Kaede to apologise," Y/n exclaimed, nudging Shuichi in the arm. "See if she'd take you back."

"H-huh? Oh, I'm over her, it's fine. Also, I'll mix that if you want." Shuichi shrugged, taking the bowl from Y/n to mix it.

"That quickly? Damn, Shuichi, you player!" Kokichi laughed.
"W-wait what?" Y/n felt almost relieved. There was now a window open for her. A very small chance, that he would-

"Uh, Y/n what next?" Shuichi asked a dazed Y/n, concerned.

"Sorry!" Y/n jumped out of her daydream. "Wait, did you even put butter in these?"

"Shuichi forgot!" Kokichi quickly blamed Shuichi.

"I doubt Shuichi would forget, cause last time I had his brownies, they had too much butter!"

"Huh?" Kokichi said, looking at the two, confused.

"Holy shit, you remember that?" Shuichi questioned Y/n, surprised.

"Yeah, I guess..." Y/n blushed, it was such a long time ago...


"Uhh, Shuichi? I think you added too much butter..." Kaede stated, peering into Shuichi's bowl.

"How much were we supposed to add...?" Shuichi asked her, slowly turning around.

"92 grams..."

"O-oh. I'm not gonna eat them anyway, I'll just give them to Y/n."


"Shuichi! What did you make in food class?" Y/n ran over to Shuichi as he waited for her on a bench.

"Brownies, but-" Y/n didn't let him finish, she just took one. "...I added too much butter."

"T-they're...good..." Y/n slowly chewed the questionable brownie.

"Oooh! Brownies! Thanks Shuichi!" Kokichi exclaimed, only just leaving his class.

He took a brownie and chewed it, his eyes lighting up. "Are you guys eating these?"

"N-no." Shuichi replied, handing the rest to Kokichi.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? I'm hungry." Kokichi looked at Y/n and Shuichi suspiciously, and the pair just giggled amongst themselves. "Guys? Hey, don't leave me out!"


"I actually got home and threw up after eating those, Shuichi." Kokichi sighed.

"Oh well. I guess me and Y/n never told you about the butter, though." Shuichi smiled, turning to Y/n.

"Yeah, and I never told you about how the brownies were shitty and made me throw up, 'cause I didn't want to hurt your feelings!" Kokichi said angrily.

This caused all three of them to burst into laughter while Y/n tried to add the butter as carefully as she could.


"Anyone wanna watch a movie? I'm bored." Y/n yawned.

"Yeah, sure. It's too early to go to bed anyway." Shuichi replied with a smile.

"Hmm...I think I'll leave it to you two..." Kokichi smirked. "Goodnight lovebirds!" He then proceeded to skip out of the room, leaving blushing Shuichi and Y/n together.

"Just ignore him..." Y/n mumbled.

"I-it's fine, we'll have a good time without him." Shuichi said as he got up to get a blanket and the TV remote.

The pair quickly found a horror movie and put it on and sat together under the blanket.


"Holy shit!" There was a jump scare in the movie, and Y/n automatically jumped onto Shuichi. Once she'd realised what she was doing, she was quickly flustered. "S-sorry, Shuichi..." She began to get up off him, however he put his arm around her.

"It's okay." He tried to act as calm and as cool as possible, but his heart was beating faster by the second. They both just flushed a light pink and adjusted.


A little while later, the movie ended, and the credits began to roll. Shuichi grabbed the TV remote and turned it off, before standing up to leave. "R-right, I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight."

He began to walk away, before a voice stopped him. "W-wait! I-I need to talk to you." Y/n had now also stood up, facing Shuichi. "What's wrong?"

"I-I like you..." Y/n explained, staring down at the floor. The regret started to kick in.

Suddenly, a soft hand lifted her chin. "Hey, it's okay. I like you too." Shuichi replied as he cupped her cheek and kissed her.

It was a gentle kiss, but enough to make Y/n shocked. "Goodnight, Y/n." He gave her a warm smile and left the room.

Y/n was still too caught up in the moment to even acknowledge this, however, before she stuttered out a "G-goodnight, Shuichi."

991 words

Who They Were Before // Shuichi x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt