"Does he even love me...?"

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After a few months, everything was working out fine. Shuichi and Y/n were dating, with Kokichi continuously reminding them that he was third wheeling. Honestly, life couldn't be better.

"MORNING GUYS! GET READY FOR A ROAD TRIP!" Kokichi screeched, waking the couple up.

"Huh?" Y/n mumbled, lifting her head from Shuichi's chest.

"Ah, morning Kokichi." Shuichi said, getting into an upright sitting position. Y/n groaned at this, and Shuichi fixed her hair as she sat up next to him.

"Did you not hear the last bit? ROAD TRIP FOR 2 DAYS!" Kokichi screeched once again.

"Yeah, we did. We'll be ready for..." Y/n didn't know what time it was, or what time she had to be ready for.

"10:30!" Kokichi exclaimed, leaving the room.

"I suppose we should get ready then, it's 8am now..."


"Heyy, guys! I'm re- SHUICHI YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!" Kokichi burst into the room, seeing Shuichi...only in his underwear.

"Hmm?" Y/n turned around to be met with an embarrassed Shuichi. "Oh, I don't mind."

"Heh..." Shuichi blushed, quickly putting a pair of shorts on.

"Pfft, you're just horny Y/n." Kokichi giggled, leaving the room.

"Sure- wait what? Hmph, oh well." Y/n carried on packing her bag, ignoring the previous situation.


"I think this will-" Y/n began to mutter to herself.

"Woah." Shuichi walked in and gazed at Y/n. "Ah, sorry. You look pretty." He said, kissing her on the cheek.

"I would say the same to you, but I guess that's weird." Y/n replied, letting out a small laugh.

"Men can be pretty too, I thi-" Shuichi was briefly interrupted.

"HURRY UP, LOVEBIRDS! I WANNA GO!" Kokichi yelled from downstairs like a child.

Y/n and Shuichi took what was a lot bigger than a hint and got in the car with Kokichi, in which he started driving almost immediately.


"Right, we're getting McDonald's." Kokichi stated, swiftly turning into the drive through.

"W-what?" Shuichi croaked. This was where she worked. He checked the date and time on his phone. Yep, she was due on shift. Shit.

"Shuichi are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Y/n asked, concerned.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, I'm just not that hungry." Shuichi lied, although he did feel quite sick.

Kokichi and Y/n ordered their food, and Shuichi bit his nails nervously. He hadn't seen her since their argument, and they hadn't even messaged each other.

"Oh, hey Kaede! I had no idea you worked here, seriously." Kokichi exclaimed, taking the bag from her.

"Y-yeah, I've worked here for a while now." Kaede wiped her eyes, trying not to disturb her mascara. "God, I hate hay fever. A-anyway, enjoy your food!" She smiled weakly and let Kokichi drive away.

"Oh, there's a box of nuggets in here. Hmm, there you go Shuichi." Kokichi handed Shuichi the box, however he was confused, he didn't order anything. "I suppose Kaede was feeling nice, eh?"

"I guess..." Shuichi muttered, opening the box.


"Hey, Shuichi, ~" Kaede chirped, peeking into hers and Shuichi's shared room. "Guess what?"

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Shuichi replied, turning to face her.

"I... got a job!" She exclaimed. "I mean, it's only McDonald's, but still..."

"Oh my God, really? Congrats babe!" He replied, standing up to kiss her. "W-wait, but I still don't have a job..."

"It's fine! I know you're waiting for detective work."



"Shuichi, I'm home!" Kaede shouted, shutting the door behind her.

"Oh, hey." Shuichi replied, emerging from their bedroom, wearing a scruffy pair of pyjamas.

"Have you had a nap?"


"Oh. Um, anyway, I got you some nuggets! To, y'know, cheer you up."

"Cheer me up?" Shuichi replied sleepily.

"Yeah, I mean, before you seemed kinda sad, so..."

"Thanks, Kaede." He pulled her in to kiss her cheek, before going back into his bedroom.

"Does he even love me...? She muttered to herself, trudging to the bathroom.


There was a familiar handwriting written on a napkin, resting on top of the nuggets. It read, 'I wish you the best, Shuichi. I hope she's good to you :)'

Shuichi looked up at Y/n, who was discussing the radio station with Kokichi, and let a tear fall down his cheek. Kaede was over him. He didn't need to worry about her anymore.

He laughed to himself, putting the napkin in his pocket, and began to eat his nuggets.

"Driver's choice. End. Of. Story." Kokichi sneered sternly as Y/n sighed. He turned back to leave the parking lot. "Oh, you hungry then, Shuichi?"

"Y-yeah, I guess." He smiled back, returning from his daze.


"Finally, we're here! God, I'm tired." Y/n yawned, flopping onto a king-size bed.

"I'll take the other room!" Kokichi said, running into a room that was mirrored to the one Y/n was in.

"Looks like I have to share with Y/n..." Shuichi teased.

"Hey!" Y/n sat up straight, glaring at Shuichi. "You love me really~"

Shuichi blushed at this, sitting on the opposite side of the bed. That was until Y/n tackled him from behind and ended up on top of him. "Oops...sorry." It was going to be a long night, Shuichi told himself sleepily.

882 words

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