> John: Wait up!

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Per your friends request, you stop and turn around. "What's up?" You ask.

He walks up to you and, shyly, he hands you an ENVELOPE. Your name is written on on the back.

"You can read it." He tells me. "Or not. It's not important." He adds, quickly. I carefully open the envelope. Inside is a sheet of paper, folded into a CARD. Which, of course, is usually what goes inside an ENVELOPE. Common sense, Egbert!

The front of the card says your name, with a picture of SLIMER from the hit movie GHOSTBUSTERS taped underneath. You love Ghostbusters!

You open the card to see words, written with a red pen, in Dave's neat handwriting. It reads this:


if you're reading this, it means i didnt chicken out, and i actually gave you this stupid card. and i know what you're thinking, "oh, dave wouldn't ACTUALLY give me some mushy old valentine's day card, that's just his totally kickass irony." well, you're wrong. this is a genuine act of affection.

as nerdy as you are, i think you're actually a pretty cool dude, egbert. i know i make fun of you and shit, like all the time, but i really do think you're pretty cool, in your own dorky way. so i'm just gonna get straight to the point, i guess.

you're on my mind pretty much 24/7. sometimes i feel sad, angry, tired, miserable, but even just the thought of you and your stupid cheesy grin is enough to make me feel a little better. sometimes i'm kinda lonely, and i know how totally lame that is and stuff, but whatever, it happens. when you're not around, i miss you a lot.

i really like spending time with you. like i could be having the shittiest day in the history of shitty days, but then you hug me and the world stops, just long enough for me to see it's not all bad. you manage to make everything better just by existing. i don't know how you do it and to be honest i think you might be playing one of your dumbass magic tricks on me or something.

everything about you just takes my breath away, dude. like your smile is the most adorable thing i have ever fucking seen in all my 13 years of living, and no i am not exaggerating. and your laugh. god it makes my heart swell. i want to be the reason you smile and laugh. i want to spend my life with you, egbert. if you still haven't caught on after, like, five paragraphs of me rambling, i guess i'll just dumb this down for you.

i like you.

i like you a lot, john. for so long, i've had such a huge crush on you that it's kinda embarrassing, dude. this is some fairy tale type shit yo like jesus. i'm in love with you.

anyway, sorry about all this. i really hope this doesn't come between us that would kind of suck. sorry if this makes our friendship awkward. actually you can just ignore this if it makes things easier, that's ok.

so yeah, thank you. happy valentine's day, john.

- dave strider

You look up from the card to see that the blonde boy is gone. He's already at his doorstep.

"Dave, wait!" You shout, running up to him. You shove the card in your pocket as he turns around, a heavy blush spread across his usually inexpressive face. Before he can say anything, you grab his hands and kiss him on the lips.

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