> Dave: Man up!

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Your best friend and crush JOHN just kissed you on the lips. Holy shit this is really happening.

So, you squeeze your eyes shut and kiss the dark haired boy back. Your first kiss. And on Valentine's Day, nonetheless!

In this moment, everything is perfect. The rigid February air is suddenly the perfect temperature, and John is right here, with his lips on yours. It doesn't feel real.

By the time he pulls away, you've still barely processed what just happened. All you know is that he's still holding your hands, and he's grinning up at you with his big blue eyes. You could drown in those things. Careful not to lose your cool, you smile, just a little.

"I like you too." He says. Then, he wraps his arms around you in the most comforting hug that has ever been hugged. You put your arms around him and pat him on the shoulder. He giggles a bit at this gesture.

After a minute, he loosens his grip on you, but your sweaty hands remain on his shoulders, and his on your waist.

"So..." You begin. "Are you- are we..."
Still smiling, and blushing a little, he gives you a slight shrug, as if to ask, do you want to be?
You take a deep breath. "Alright, John, will you be my boyfriend?"
He nods his head, excitedly. "Yes!"
You smirk, feeling your face heat up. "Sick." Quickly, you lean forward and plant a kiss on his forehead. His face turns bright red. You feel your own heat up a bit as well.

"Well, my dads probably waiting for me." John tells you, letting go of your waist.
You release your grip from his shoulders. "Alright. Tell Dadbert I said hi, okay?" You reply.
"Will do." He smiles. "Bye, Dave! Love you!" He calls as he walks back to his house, waving. "Happy Valentine's day!"
I wave back. "Love you too, dude."
He stops before his door. "Oh yeah. And Dave?"
You put your hands in your pockets. "What's up?"
He beams. "Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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