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Shim Jaeyun is a weird case. 

Jay first realized this when they met the first time. They were 11 years old. Jake's glassy eyes, innocent look and blank face wasn't interesting at first, Jay found him dull and boring. Handsome but mediocre. not a contender to be his playmate. Their parents were friends. Since then, they became inseparable. Though Jay never liked being around Jaeyun, he endured it because his parents told him Jaeyun was always lonely and alone. Jay wanted to question the part where they state Jake is 'alone' but he stayed silent. So, it became a mystery for young Jay why Jaeyun, a person with parents and a sister, was alone. 

People flock at Shim Jaeyun whenever he goes. At the market, streets and even toy store. If Jake wasn't human, people would probably say he is an angel or a god. Sometimes it bothers Jay but he shouldn't care, not at all. Why should it matter whether Shim Jaeyun is popular among everyone? Jay couldn't careless because his life is comfortable as it is. He should be contented and happy for what he has. But, since he was a teenager, Jay was jealous. He wanted to be praised, he wanted greetings from random people, he wanted people to acknowledge his existence. However, no one bats an eye in his direction. They were all blinded by the light named Shim Jaeyun. 

When they both reached 15, Shim Jaehyun go by name Jake now.  Jay doesn't know why he changed his nickname but everyone goes with it. They were still friends, Jake visits him and tells him stories from his expeditions while Jay simply listens. Jay was weak. His doctors confined him in his house because he can't handle being out in the open with the monsters and dragons. Jay felt incredibly useless whenever he hears Jake spout his experiences, his eyes would gleam in joy whenever he does.Jay should feel happy for him however, Park Jongseong wasn't happy. He was bitter and envious. At first he was mad at himself for not being enough then he started shifting the blame towards Jaeyun. His stories felt like mockery. Jay knows he shouldn't feel this way but he couldn't help it. Blinded by jealousy and frustration, Jay got slowly devoured by the dark side. 

When Jake leaves, Jay's curved lips turn upside down. He hated every single bit about Shim Jaeyun that Jay wishes for him to die in one of his exhibitions. Jay wanted Jake to disappear, as he reminds him of someone he cannot be. 

Smart, lovable, beautiful and heroic Shim Jaehyun. A person Jay loathed and the kind of person he tried to be. 

When they both became 19, Jay found an obsession. Seeing Shim Jaehyun holding someone's hand in the pagoda, Jay's eyes flickered red. Jaehyun was laughing and smiling, Jay felt offended seeing him happy. Jay hated it. He wanted to destroy it, he wanted to make his smile disappear. And then Jay's eyes landed to the person next to Jay. 

Jay has to destroy her. 

At the age of 21, Jay acquired a position as arch mage for the sacred tower while Jake became a holy knight with a duke title. Jake always goes to Jay's mansion but Jay never lets him in, he ordered his servants to say he was busy or away. But for the past year, Shim Jaeyun was fucking persistent. He never gave up, it started annoying Jay. It was clear he never liked Jake in the first place, he always wore a damn fake smile whenever he is there. The point is, Jay doesn't know whether Jake is doing this in purpose or he is just an idiot.  

Turns out he is simply just a moron. 

Jake gave him a wedding invitation and Jay burned it into pieces when Jake left. 

It was the wedding day, Jay didn't attend. Instead, he started a war. The wedding couldn't happen because the arch mage rebelled against his own country. Blinded by his power, Jay kept killing and destroying everything. And Jake witnessed all of that. He was crying but Jay didn't care. He begged him to stop but Jay shoved him and made it clear he won't. Jake asked why, Jay replied "I hate every damn thing in this country, including you" Though he already said his reason, Jake asked him again "Why" He seeked for the truth, but Jay already gave it to him. Jay didn't answer instead he maniacally laughed infront of Shim Jaeyun and told him "It's nice to see your face dreadful, scared and hopeless! You are supposed to be the hero, Shim Jaeyun! Now why don't you give me a proper fight and kill me?" 

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