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For the next few months leading up to the summer months, Reyna suffered. She suffered hours of being stuck in the library with Ikaros reading everything he had on the human kingdoms and their customs. A lot of the books were very old and probably outdated, though Ikaros promised that when she reached Neolandia she could read new books over there that had updated information. At that point she was so sick of reading that she was ready to stab the next book that would be put in front of her.

On top of that, she had to take lessons of "proper etiquette" from someone that the council sent to make sure she knew how to walk with a straight spine, bow at the right times, and know the right utensils used to eat if she went to another kingdom for a special dinner event. Reyna hated every minute of it, she especially hated the tight fitted shoes and dress she was forced to wear during these lessons because everything she wore was not something she should wear during a special event. At least during these hellish months Zolar kept up her lessons in defense and attacks and Cici stayed by her side to keep her company.

On the day she left, a lot of the village came to see her off, including old Mags who refused to stop hugging her tightly until the elves who came to take them to the border had to pry them apart. It took a few days by ambler to cross to the border located in Duren, where several humans were waiting.

"This is as far as they're going to let us come, you behave yourself okay?" Ibis says as her things are being handed over to the humans. "If anything, you can always come home."

"I want to go home, now!" Reyna states, her eyes welling up with tears before throwing herself at her father. "Please, I just want to stay here with all of you! Don't make me go daddy!"

"I'm sorry love, I truly am sorry." Ibis says softly, already crying as he hugged her tightly. "Our family couldn't come, but they snuck some gifts for you in your luggage. Open them when you get there, there's even a gift from your grandparents too since they couldn't be here. Be a good little bird for us, please?"

"Let's go elf, we're losing daylight!" One of the humans yell.

"I will!" Reyna sobbed as she gave Ibis one last hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. "Tell them I still love them, and...and I'll try to be good but I won't let those humans change me."

"That's my girl, my little brave crow." Ibis says, giving her a proud smile through his tears. "We'll see you again, I promise little chick."

Reyna nods, unable to say anything as the humans led her away, her father slowly becoming just a speck as they cross through a dense and thick forest and into the human kingdoms.

It was until after they got out of the forest that more humans were waiting, these ones dressed in black, white and gold armor save for an older woman, with numerous large animals. Elephants, much smaller than an ambler but weighing much heavier than a hot cat.

"Well, there she is, the blushing bride." The older woman comments when the elf got close. "You ready for your big day, Reyna?"

"No." Reyna responds, her voice hoarse from her crying. "If possible...could I see my family again soon?"

"I'm afraid not dear, we were lucky to slip you in here without the dragons noticing. Otherwise we'd all be burned to a crisp."

"O-oh, I was...hoping to see them again after the wedding."

"Cheer up kiddo, perhaps if this treaty goes well, you could see your family again." The woman assures her. "Come on. Ever ridden an elephant before?"

" we don't have those where I come from." Reyna says as she is led to one of the creatures, this one bearing white paint decorating its trunk and legs. "Is...that safe?"

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