On My Own

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"After weeks of bugging you since we married, I can't believe you finally decided to spar with me!" Reyna exclaims happily as she practically ran to keep up with her husband. "Had Routhna's nagging finally gotten to you?"

"No, but you have worn me down enough to agree to it." Kasef admits. "But it will be after my lesson, you get to watch."

"Assuming you aren't too tired."

"That I doubt."

It had been a few days since the garden incident, and Kasef could see in his wife's eyes that she was brimming with questions about the ordeal, but wisely kept her mouth shut. While he didn't want to admit it, it was Routhna who wore him down - literally - to finally agree to let Reyna spar with him. Today he had practice with Fahad, so his wife and one of her servants could sit to the side and watch until it was time for her to jump in.

"How easily do you think I can beat you in a fight?" Reyna asks as they get close to the training area.

"Considering your height I doubt you can take me down so easily." Kasef responds as they cross the threshold.

"Well she has trained with someone taller and stronger, so I'm sure taking your majesty on would be quite easy for her." Nour comments.

"Perhaps, but I always like a challenge." Reyna says with a grin. "Ooh perhaps I can spar with your instructor today too!"

"That'd be too intense, Fahad wouldn't go easy on you."

"I've sparred with a Sunfire elf practically over twice my height, and Routhna too! He can't be that tough!"

"Fahad isn't that strict, he knows when to take it easy on newbies." Nour says with a chuckle. "He won't go that hard on you my lady, I should know because he's been giving me lessons on defense since I was told I'd be serving you. He wouldn't want his future wife to get taken down so quickly when defending the crown princess of Neolandia."

"Future wife?" Reyna asks. "Wait, so you're going to be married to the guy who trains my husband? Is that the man you mentioned going on a date with the other night?"

"Indeed!" The maid says cheerfully.

So that was the woman Fahad had been courting. The instructor had mentioned he was with someone, a servant who worked under one of the nobles, but never stated who it was. As they arrive, Kasef pushed the doors open and allowed the women to enter the training area where an older man was waiting for them, polishing a knife. The servant girl smiles before breaking away from them, tackling the man from behind and he turns to hug and kiss her affectionately.

"Fahad, we're here." Kasef calls out.

"Ah, prince Kasef. I see you brought a guest." Fahad says as he looks up.

"That's the crown prince's wife, the one I told you I am working under!" Nour says cheerfully as she is released.

"Ah so you're the queen-to-be that Kasef won't stop talking about?" Fahad asks with a chuckle when the two royals approach. "My fiancée has been good to you, has she?"

"Nour has been a great help since I came, I couldn't ask for a better servant and friend." Reyna says with a smile. "And Kasef promised to spar with me today."

"Ah Routhna mentioned this to me the other day. Said that if I let you partake in the lesson to be wary. Is there a reason why?"

"I haven't the faitest idea why."

"Let's just get this lesson over with, she's been pestering me to spar with her since she came to the palace." Kasef says as he grabbed his teacher's arm to pull him away from the two women.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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