The Deep Dive

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The team of Vespera's and Vangelis's saviors were now in the middle of the sea in a small orange boat.

-Ok so... are we ready? -Asked the blond angel about to dive into the depths of the ocean. All of them were a bit nervous, mostly Emaya, since she wasn't so fond of the deep waters. Although being surrounded by bunch of magical people made her feel safer. Gavril was holding her hand because Emaya couldn't hold her breath under water so he had to create a bubble as soon as they dived in but the fear of waters was not enough to wash off her tough and slightly bossy aura. Others, on the other hand, were blankly staring into the depths of the ocean.

-Um...excuse me for ruining this super tense mood but Emaya, dear, can't you see if we survive or not? -said Ailard hoping to get a positive answer from his fellow teammate.

-Sadly it doesn't work like that. I am not a death grimmer. - The human girl replied secretly wishing she had known.

- Ok then... let's do it. – Said Ailard with some resolution. You could tell he was a little disappointed but what could he do about it? I guess there was only one way...all of them just had to face it. There was a quite big chance of them not surviving as none of them knew exactly what they were supposed to do. It was going to be leap of faith.

-One...two...three! – said the leader after taking a huge breath and everyone jumped straight into the ocean. A red light was created out of Melissa's stomach making her breath under water. Other angels could breathe anyway and Gavril and Emaya were inside a bubble. The ocean was beautiful. It was super clear and all kinds of fish were swimming around, some solo some as a group. The different colored plants were peeking out from the stones. It felt so surreal for the human in the group of those magical creatures. She couldn't get past her fear but on the other hand she was surrounded by four very powerful angels and a very powerful star wielder...even though one of them literary asked if they would survive or not.

-Are you ready? - Gavril asked her bubble mate. surprisingly there was a tint of worry in the voice of a much emotionless being.

-No, Gavril, I am definitely not- getting a not so reassuring answer from the girl.

Gavril could feel her.

-Hold on tight then.

And with that, they swam across the ocean in a matter of minutes. It was amazing. She felt like a flash of lightning. The adrenalin in her body went up like a rocket. After slowly slowing down Emaya saw everything around her was different. The clear blue ocean was now almost pitch black. The slightly enjoyable surroundings were now rather disturbing. Beautiful sea creatures that were on shallows of the water were now replaced by the ugliest of them. It was dark and it was somehow...deathly looking...but the darkest of them all was a huge stone right in front of the team. It was wrecked and wrinkly. It had some disturbing features to it. The weird shapes were showing their images on the surface of the rock. It wasn't anything clear but it was bad, really bad. The few creatures that were swimming around defiantly didn't dare to go even close to the rock.

-...Wow-Emaya said not believing anything that just happening.

-I know that this was an experience of a lifetime for you but I think we are here. - said Hannile looking at the big black stone in front of them.

-So... what now? How do we get in? – He was not sure why he had agreed to participate in this mission in the first place as Emaya had not explained a thing properly to them. She just appeared in their hotel room a day before and announced that she was the key to the solution of their problem. When asked how she was going to do it, she had answered that everything was a blur at that moment and she needed some time to clear her visions. May be it was her assertive posture or a presence she had brought with her to the room that made everyone follow her without questioning her sanity. Well, now was the time to regret their decision but nobody would duck out ot the situation as much as they wanted it.

Vespera The Evening Star p.t.2- When Do The Dreams End?Where stories live. Discover now