Family Reunion

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.... Howdy.... 😗

So it's been almost a year 😗

Sorry about that 🥲

Shit is awesome 😛

Anyway here you go a little short but enjoy 🥸

We knew this was something that was going to happen but I really didn't think I'd be doing this alone. I'm new to this shit too how am I supposed to teach them anything when I could hardly stop myself from ripping open his neck. Shitty fucking Kirishima and his shitty fucking feelings...

I was focused on the road as the thoughts of how I was going to deal with him consumed my mind. It's annoying how he's giving me more problems then almost one year old twins. How is that even possible?? I turned right onto a gravel path when one of the twins began to get fussy.

"We're almost there, just relax for a bit more" I said as I looked at my son rubbing his face and looking like he's about to cry. After another minute I drove into a designated parking spot, I could spot the park not to far from here but that's not what we're here for. I shut off the engine and got out the car, grabbing two baby wraps. I tied the one for the back wherever it needed then the one in front, placing each baby in their designated spot. Itsuki immediately stopped crying, and began looking around with puffy eyes. "Brat" I grabbed the baby bag, hanging it on my shoulder then closed the door, locking the door and walking down a familiar path.

I stopped walking, breathing in the cool breeze, smelling the familiar smell of moss and water. I opened my eyes to see the old fallen tree barely hanging onto either side of the shallow stream. The sound of the water rushing through the narrow path and brushing over the rocks. "Here we are" I said as I placed down my bag beside me then grabbed Itsuki out of the baby wrap gently placing him down near my leg as he sat there sucking on his pacifier. Then I placed down Kazumi right next to him. I sat down behind them and pulled out there toys handing them each their favorite one. I happily watch them play; as in play I mean swing around the toys and examining them. I pulled out a book and picked up where I left off.

A few pages into the book I began to feel off, it felt as if someone was watching. I averted my eyes from the book looking at the trees across the stream. Observing every detail. It was coming from behind me. I took a whiff of the air but nothing. Shit. I shut the book and stretched, placing it back into the bag along with their toys. "Alrighty guys I think it's time to head home" I fixed the baby wrap to that both were in front which is going to be really in balanced but hopefully safer. I placed them in the wrap secured them more snugged then usual then I put the baby bag over my shoulders. If I cross the creek they might realize they've been compromised and I need to get to my car as fast as possible. But If I go back exactly the way I came that might be a bit risky. But it's the only way I have some kind of element of surprise. Fuck. Ok I got this. I turned around and began walking, listening to every leaf rustle, smelling every gust of wind, and straining my eyes to see every thin meak branch I walk past. Someone is definetly following me, and it's more then one person. Luckily my palms are sweaty as hell and I'm reading to blow some brains out. As I was almost out the small woods something flew past me landing on the tree a few feet away from me. A dart. I turned around and began setting of explosions all around me and ran the rest of the way. I heard them taunting me, I smelled their wounds, and I felt my babies fear as they wailed. Even Kazumi. In the corner of my eye I saw something coming at me. I threw myself back dodging it in time. I heard footsteps coming fast and closer. I turned around and sent anything explosión knocking him off his feat and giving him a nice sunburn. He wailed in pain as blood dripped everywhere. Fuck. It distracted me from someone coming up behind me and trying to cover my mouth and nose with a rag. Chloroform. Luckily they couldn't place it on me nor did I inhale it. I grabbed either side of their head and sent a small explosion their way. Going straight into the brain. I jumped back seeing the lay of light as it passed me by again. I turned around and continued to run it. Only to have something entangled around my ankles and tripping me. I covered the twins head turned myself to the side as I fell to the ground. I landed full force on my arm. My nerves on fire as my whole arm fell numb. I shut my eyes close taking quick breaths. I opened them seeing three other people standing above me.

"This doesn't have to get ugly just hand us the brats and we'll be on our way"
"Over my dead body" I grunted, as I held the wailing twins right.
"Have it your way" they were about to attack when a loud growl roared across the trees, the three men looked around confused then it set. The terrifying heavy atmosphere, making the three men scared little boys. One tried to be brave but their head was detached from their slim body not even a second later. The other two tried to finish their job but both of their chest had a hand through it and their hearts beating in the hands. They collapsed right in front of me with loud thuds. I began to shake, as I rose my hand trying to defend my kids. Only to meet a familiar hungry gaze. He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his hands, as he stepped closer and squatted down in front of me and took my hand in his. As he kissed the ring on my finger.

"Oh how I've missed you~"

That's it🫡

We're done🫡





Ok sorry for such the extremely long wait sorry if it wasn't worth it🥲 but I just decided why not write out the next chapter and give it to them. So here you go.


Bye bye until next time 🫡

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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