16 How could I leave him

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Haechan: Love, let me adjust your bed for you to eat this  porridge. Your mum made it. I know the hospital food is awful.

You shook your head and turned your back on him.

Haechan went closer to you, warm tears were still falling from your cheeks. He wiped your tears with his silky hand, then tucked your messy fringe behind your ears.

You were confound by his gentle care that made you look up into his deep and desperate eyes. You knew he was hurting as much as you were from the move of his pupil.

Y/n: Haechan.. I want to eat.

He smiled, a smile that you haven't seen for days.

He scooped a spoonful of porridge, blew it a couple of times before  moving it into your mouth. You tried to swallow as much as you can, but your head was spinning. You end up vomiting onto his hand.

You, yourself was disgusted watching the  half-digested porridge scattered on your bed and some on his hand and shirt. On the other hand, Haechan didn't complain nor say a word about it. From his facial expression,  he didn't show that he was disgusted either.

Y/n: I'm sorry..

Haechan: No.. it's okay. I expect this.

He cleaned up the mess along with the nurse incharge. Then, carried you to the washroom. He undressed your dirty hospital clothes, wash you up and dress you up with a new clean clothes.

You held his hand.

Y/n: Thank you candy..

You could not thank him enough. You placed your palm on his face. You noticed that he had growned a beard. He must not have time to shave, you thought to yourself.

How could you leave this man, who treated you, care for you than anyone else in this planet. You could not break his heart. You had imagined how painful it will be for him if you left him and at the same time he needs to take care of your child. After a deep thought, you finally collected the courage to give your decision.

Y/n: Candy.. I made my decision.

He attached his hand on yours that was still on his right cheek.

Y/n: We will say goodbye to the baby for awhile. We will meet our angel in the hereafter. And welcome a new angel later, if God permits. I could not leave you like this. I'm sorry if my words yesterday...

Haechan: shh.. no don't talk about that. Thank you love. I'm sorry that I could not protect both of you all together. I'm sorry that I could not be a good husband and father. I wish I could do something about it.

He was about to shed tears.

Y/n: No.. you did your best. I know you did. This is our fate that God had tested us with.

Y/n: My child.. my baby. I'm sorry. Please wait for Mummy at the heaven's door later ya.. I'm hoping to see you again. Goodbye..

Haechan: Hello my baby. I'm sorry that your time with us is so short. But I'm so happy with your presence. Please do wait for Daddy too at the heaven's door. I love you. Goodbye..

The next day,

You received two surgery at once. First, the abortion. Second, the tumor removal.

Haechan was waiting anxiously outside of the operating theatre. He could no longer hold his tears. Everyone who passed by him could hear that he was sobbing so hard. He was afraid of losing you and the sadness of letting his child go.

After 15 hours

Haechan ran towards the doctor as soon as he exited the operation theatre.

Doctor: The surgery was successfully done. Although, it was difficult at first as y/n vital was unstable but we manage to handle that. Thank God.
Now my subordinates are wrapping things up. You will be able to meet her at the ICU in about an hour.

Haechan: Thank you God. Thank you doctor.

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