Chapter 27: Shatter

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*The following chapter is for mature readers only*

     "As a reward for completing your job with such "delicacy', take the weekend off at my summer house in the luxury district. And yes, I've approved your request, Manuel will accompany you once he's handled his current job".

     The night morning after I couldn't fall asleep without seeing her corpse or hearing her screams. I kept rationalizing it as maybe she had it coming...or I couldn't have known what Calipso had planned.

     I turned on the shower, not caring about the temperature, as long as it relaxed and kept me awake. "You didn't kill didn't kill're not a murderer Pete".

     I repeated to myself as the water hit my head and these thoughts raced like horses within my mind.

     A soft touch graced my back knocking me out of my trance as I spun around in freight to be stopped in my tracks with my heart stomping at my chest seeing mi Vida as perfect as when she came into this world.

     As she stood inside the glass shower with all her glory it felt as if she had control of all time and the universe was her presence with the world she shaped in shades of blue.

     Blinking felt like an eternity had passed when I opened my eyes, she was barely a foot apart from me, stealing my breath with a kiss.

     Seconds passed until she fell into my arms and I blinked again. Her hips against the glass, thighs in my hands with my lips on her neck, skin touching skin.

     "I love You's" sung in the form of angelic moans with her body decorated by my tongue for all to see as her nails danced along my back while she felt the pressure between her legs.

     The force transcended into euphoria as the shades of blue spun the room along with her body. Fingers interlocked above her head following cries of joy with handprints on her ass and nods in between breaths delivering reassurance.

     Her body pulled closer to me, the view made more enticing from the crown tattooed above her ass and a fist full of her pulled back allowing her cries to grow louder, filling the empty halls as we both finish under the shades of blue.

     After our "rinse" Katalina went back inside the bedroom and I dried off and got ready for the day. The warm water from the sink hit my face before I shut off the tap and stared into the mirror. At first, I saw myself until I saw Charlotte's corpse once more.

     I felt the pressure inside my chest before relieving what was left in my stomach into the sink before me as I felt the room spin upon itself in shades of black bringing me to the floor gasping for air.

     It felt like I was drowning, pushed, and pulled by violent waves at sea until a smack brought me back to earth.

     "Breathe through your nose Peter". Katalina sat in front of me with her hand covering my mouth and gently placing their palm on the center of my heart. "".

     My chest rose and fell at her command until I felt alright enough to breathe on my own until she wiped my mouth and set fire to my heart as I heard- "I got you, Peter".

     Four simple words erupted tears streaming down my face only to be met with a smile as she pulled me close and held me, letting me for once in my life feel...whole

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