ELEVEN : Sic infit

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Rotterdam The Hague airport was usually packed, but today it seemed quiet. Or maybe it was because Gabriel was desperately trying to silence his surroundings, including the six-foot-one-inch guy next to him. And he was even more annoyed now because he had shown up late and Ashton was on time, waiting patiently for him.

They were through with immigration and were waiting to board their flight. Ashton seemed pretty engrossed in a book. And this surprised him because he didn't look like the type to read. Even more, how he dressed in a white turtleneck and grey pants were throwing Gabriel off-guard.

"If you know nothing better than staring at me, I can pose for you, you know." Ashton put his right leg over the other and closed his book. His face carried a smirk.

"You give yourself too much credit."

"Hm, well." He gave a half shrug and bowed. His black hair fell over his eyebrow. Gabriel turned away, his heart racing in trepidation. What. The. Hell. Just then, the boarding opened, and the two men walked away, unknown of what was waiting for them in Paris. Gabriel was hoping he would get the window seat but he was wrong. Ashton made himself comfortable next to the window and watched as Gabriel struggled to fit his bag in the compartment above. He got up, caught hold of Gabriel's hands, and together with his hands pushed the bag. Gabriel stood mortified while Ashton took his seat and chuckled handsomely.

"Th-thanks." He muttered. He sat down and nervously listened to the instructions. When the signals for take-off went off, he leaned back and fidgeted anxiously. Ashton noticed him and turned towards him.

"You've never been on a plane before?"

"Of course I have. It's just that-" He stopped, trying not to appear ashamed.

"What is it?" Ashton asked softly. He knew when to use the right tone.

"I don't do good at heights. Every time we were on a plane, Gaia would sing to me during take-off and landing. Just to calm my nerves." He shied away.

"Well, too bad Gaia's not here today. You're on your own." Ashton turned away. Gabriel accepted his fate and prayed. The plane began its take-off procedures, and Gabriel tried not to shit his pants. He shut his eyes tightly until the top of his eyelids turned white. A few seconds later, he heard a faint voice. Someone was singing.

'But if you close your eyes you may see

And if you just let go you'll be free,'

Gabriel opened his eyes and looked at the person singing. Ashton was looking right back at Gabriel and singing softly. At first, he didn't want to do anything, but Gabe's sight made him feel worse.

'And if you hear your heart

Listen to the wind in the trees.'

The take-off was successful and they were now flying. Ashton ended his song and tilted his head to the side. He was waiting for a response.

Gabriel took his own time to figure out what had just happened. He could feel the blood rushing to his face, making his cheeks flush. "Please excuse me while I go die of embarrassment."

"What? Why? Did I sound that bad?"

"NO! No. It's not you. I am embarrassed because I was being a baby." He looked away. Ashton chuckled once again.

"It's alright. We all have our fears. But you agree I sang well?"

"Yeah. You did. And it worked." He smiled and immediately looked away, hiding the faintest blush that had appeared. But Ashton was no fool. He turned towards the window, and the corners of his mouth quirked up. The two men spent the remaining ride in silence, avoiding each other's gaze. Until it was time to land. But this time, Ashton didn't have to sing. All he did was look into the eyes of the scared little guy next to him and smile. And it seemed to work. God alone knew when the plane landed because Gabriel had no idea. He was still trapped in those beautiful hazel eyes.

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