Breaking ch 26

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"Breaking ch 26"
At The Police Station-Lydia office-Lydia was in her office she was the DA and wanted to go after the Alcara family from the start of her career when Antia her cousin and the town police commissioner came into her office."You want to see me" Yes I heard that Desiree is back in town she left so fast that week her sister and cousin died in the accident "You still think that Desiree had something to do with the accident "Yes I have heard the rumor that Desiree had a drinking problem, What If she was drinking that night "We will never know we don't have the car "I'm sure it's in a warehouse owning by Domingo we need to get a search warrant "Alright I'll go get one" This case is sad but if this was a mob hit or a daughter driving drunk cause the crash we need to know "

At Domingo/Erica-Domingo and Erica were having dinner with their daughter when a man came into the room," Domingo, Erica, Desiree it's been a long time "Grandfather, Why are you here "I came back to town after I heard about you return "Why don't you join us" Santo it's good to see you" You too Erica "Santo like Erica that she was in this business and understood it."So Desiree are you finally going to grow up and get you're living together and act like an Alcaraz "Yes I'm trying "As a guard came into the room."Sir, we need to talk it's bad I have news from our guy in the police department" Let's go talk "No, I want to hear it, Lydia wants to open the case doesn't she "Yes" Well it wouldn't happen "I should just confess "No! You will do no sure things "Listen to your father "Alright, I wouldn't "I'll handle this, Come on Father "Domingo left with Santo."I keep thinking if I confess maybe it will help my recovery "It could make it worse we all covered it up" Yes "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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