Chapter 7

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I ran through the halls of Mount Weather, aiming for the doors that held my freedom. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins as I pumped my legs harder, picking up speed. All I could hear was my heart pounding and I was only focused on one thing. Getting out.

Guards from Mount Weather had raided the camp in the middle of night with only one goal. To capture me. They had dragged me out of my tent, trying to be quiet, but hell broke loose when I woke up and screamed.

Many people rushed out of their tents, looking for the source of the scream, but I had already been gagged and dragged into the woods. I fought as hard as I could, thrashing around in their arms and trying to scream, but nothing worked. Finally they knocked me out.

When I woke up I ran, only pausing to look at a map on the wall to find the door.

I reached the door and grabbed the latch about to turn it and yank open the door. I knew they weren't immune to radiation like we were and I knew I could end hundreds of people's lives just by this small action, but I didn't care. All I cared about was my friends.

I had just began to turn the latch when I felt a small pinch on the back of my neck. A second later, darkness clouded my vision and I crumpled to the ground.

My eyes flew open but I still couldn't see anything. I knew what I saw wasn't a dream, but a memory. A memory from my first days in this awful place. When I knew it wasn't safe for us.

I was partly reminded of the bond I had formed with the kids I was helping. They looked up to me for guidance and I would do anything to keep from letting them down. Even though I only had a few memories back, and only a fraction of the feelings I felt towards the kids, I would still do everything I could to protect them, even if it meant getting myself killed.

The events that happened earlier come flooding back to me. I have a headache from hitting the stairs and my heart is pounding. The room I was in was pitch black.

The floor was damp and it smelled like mildew. There was a faint dripping of water that echoed through the room. My hands and feet were bound tightly, the rope digging into my skin with every movement no matter how small.

"Jasper." I croaked, my voice raspy and dry.

I was met by silence and that scared me most of all. I didn't know whether he was alive or if they had killed him already. I leaned my head against the wall and hoped he was still alive. I hoped that I could fulfill my promise to Monty and bring his best friend back to him.

The door screeched open and a beam of light penetrated the darkness. I had to shield my eyes from the blinding light until they adjusted.

I looked around the room, hoping to see Jasper, but I was alone. Cage walked into the room and crouched down a few feet away from me. His eyes traveled down my body and he smirked when he saw I was struggling against the rope.

"Is this funny to you?" I spat.

"Very. I find it amusing that a girl that acts like she has so much strength, got herself tied up in a room, unable to do anything." He chuckled.

I ignored him, " Where's Jasper?"

"Hmm. Good question. At the moment, he's probably being ripped apart by reapers." He said, rubbing his chin.

"You're lying." I stated.

"Am I? They threw him down the chute about twenty minutes ago. He was pale and couldn't even move a muscle. Pathetic." 

I lunged at him, but came up short as the ropes around my feet and wrist wouldn't allow me to go further.

I gritted my teeth from the pain and looked down. The ropes were tied to a steel ring that was welded to the floor. How is this fair? We hadn't done anything to these people and they're killing us off one by one.

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