<Google, How do You Ask a Girl Her Name? - Chris>

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Dear Diary,
There was a girl I've never seen before in my sculpting class. She must have been a freshman. First day of the new year and not only did I wake up late and get no coffee, but I've started off rough with the art professor. She never did like me, but that girl that sat in the same row as me today, she certainly seemed to. I could feel her eyes on me most of the class period, though I knew she would only glance over periodically so she wouldn't get caught.

It's been a disastrous few weeks since the accident but my leg is healing up nicely. I wonder how long it will be until I can participate in volleyball Again?

Temmie and Charlotte haven't stopped trying to sick the life out of each other through their mouths since class let out, and it's definitely not what I want to be present for.

Note to self:
- eyeliner
- deodorant
- milk

September 6, 2025.

Delta set her tattered notebook back in her nightstand drawer and covered her ears with her headphones trying to ignore the sound of her roommate and her girlfriend sucking face on the other side of the room. Temmie was definitely not the type of roommate she'd hoped for this year but she would endure. If it got too bad, she could always just go for a walk. And she definitely would.

The sun was setting and the air chilled Delta to her bones even through her thick sweater. She wasn't wearing long pants underneath, since she didn't like how restricting they could be so she settled for loose pajama shorts with cow print on them. She'd let her leg hair grow in quite a bit, but didn't mind because she didn't care for shaving. A bandage was wrapped around her left ankle and there were large but fading bruises on her knees and one very large one on her thigh. She walked with a slight limp as she listened to her loud music

As the sun set Delta felt a sense of calm come over the campus as less and less people were seen wandering about. The diurnal birds stopped chirping and the nocturnal counterparts came out to hunt. There was one particular owl which had been living in the tall oak at the center of the college campus that Delta often saw on her nightly strolls to escape her roommate. It was nowhere to be seen this time, but she thought nothing of it, and attributed the absence to mouse hunting.

Almost two hour went by before Delta decided to go back to her dorm. It was past eleven and nearing midnight, and Delta was getting more tired than usual. When she opened the door she let out a sigh of pure relief seeing her roommate was in her bed, and her roommate's girlfriend was nowhere to be seen. Plopping down onto her twin sized bed, Delta took off her  headphones and scrolled through the internet for a bit. Stopping on a news article about a new virus being identified in South America.

She skimmed the article, it said something about a mind altering aspect of the virus could make those infected highly violent and attack even their closest friend and family. Scientists believe that it's due to the viruses need to spread. What a bunch of bull shit. There's no way a virus like this has been discovered, especially since there's only once case and the "infected" was killed nearly immediately by someone in self defense. Delta chalked it up to sci-fi enthusiasts going too far and plugged her phone in to go to sleep.

The next day she woke up on time to her alarm and got dressed. Black long sleeve shirt, short black denim shorts and tall platform boots that go up to her knees. To protect her calves from the seams and the zippers she wore white thigh high socks and rolled the top down to almost a cuff over the top of the boot. Same eyeliner as the day before, and a nice matte black lipstick. Looking in the mirror, Delta wondered what she should do with her poofy hair. She could pull or push at it to take many shapes and today she decided to make her afro into cat ears. Pulling at the tops, she formed two almost even, rounded triangle shapes, which did resemble the ears of a cat. She thought she looked very cute, and smiled at herself in the mirror before grabbing her bags and walking out.

She didn't much like the looks she got from a small group of students, namely seniors and some juniors. No doubt they thought she looked weird. She didn't pay them any kind but she notices the looks as she makes her way to the sculpting class. She planned to sit next to the same girl -- or guy, they'd never exchanged gender identities and Delta would hate to unknowingly misgender someone -- and perhaps strike up a conversation with them.

Soon, Delta was walking into the same room as the day before but today, the person who sat up front named Clay called her over to talk.

"Hey, what's up Clay?" Delta asked, giving them a fist bump.

"Not much Delta Bravo what's up with you?" Clay asked with a chuckle. Clay stood and hugged Delta, who hugged them back.  When she glanced at the back of the room, the girl wasn't sitting there. The clock told her that there was ten minutes before class started, so she gives clay a smile and walked to the back to sit down in the same seat as the day before.

Delta waited patiently before the professor entered the room, and even after class started for her classmate to arrive. She counted the seconds and watched the door, bouncing her knee impatiently and anxiously. Eventually that began to get painful so she tapped the eraser end of a pencil on the table. No one else entered the classroom. Delta got a bit irritated and dismayed knowing she'd have to wait another day, or longer, before she got to ask the stranger their name.

Deciding not to fret it, she finishes the day, skips lunch and goes back to her dorm. Temmie wasn't there yet so it was quiet enough for Delta to fall asleep. She actually sleeps rather soundly for the remainder of the day and all through the night. When she wakes up, Temmie was still absent. No note, no sign that she was ever in her bed. Delta assumes she slept in her girlfriends dorm room and goes about her morning like before.

Today is a black mesh top, bikini top and another pair of socks shorts. Normal combat boots are paired with knee high black socks. A sime day with no accessories and she does nothing to her hair, but wears the same makeup she does everyday. Eyeliner, highlighter and lipstick.

When she entered the class, Delta saw the stranger from two days ago was there again, in the same seat. Her heart leapt up to her throat when she approached and saw just how attractive they were. Delta gave a small smile and it was returned by a wide smile and a head tilt. Heart racing, she couldn't muster up the courage to ask a name or even a pronoun and suffered the rest of the class, and the day, wishing she had the guts to talk to them.

Falling into another deep sleep when her head hits the pillow, her last thought being of the stranger in her first class, Delta smiled.

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