Proposal plan 🪩💃🕺

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A/N: (just to be clear it's about the school dance) Cody is at school having lunch with Ian and his scout buddy's "so Cody are you going to ask Frankie to the dance which is in 6 days" Ian said
"(Turns red) shut up!" Cody told Ian everyone was laughing "yeah Cody can I sit here"??,

Cody looked up and saw Frankie "sure why not" he said to her, "Hey Frankie did you know Cody is going...." Kevin almost finished his sentence then Cody:💢😊, kicks his leg hard under the table

"(wheezing in pain) never mind" he said "uh is he ok" Frankie asked "oh he's fine" Cody said "anyways Cody are you doing ok because I noticed you been acting strange like sad strange is something on your mind" she asked
"y-y-yeah Im fine" *liar!* everyone thought.

Cody'sPOV💛: —after school— "Guys I have a plan to ask ask her out. check this out"

"So you wanna go all out just ask her to the dance, couldn't you just save this from High school senior prom day" Mason said

"I have a plan for that and anyways  I wanna ask her out this way, look we know how dance, we just need a dance routine, a song and I'm a great singer and dancer please help me on this, I'll give you a ride from my dirt bike for the rest of the week, deal?" Cody explained,
all: "deal" "wait you have a dirt bike" Alister asked.

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