Cody's different 🤔

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A/N: Cody went to Ian's house with a smile so convincing that they cannot tell its fake, "Cody?", Cody showed a smile, *something different about him, and that's no ordinary smile, I just have to act for the truth to show* he thought

"It looks like you got your emotions back,😅" he said, "yeah *I hate lying* you wanna hang with me and the group" Cody asked, —after gathering—, "hey did you guys notice something weird about Cody" Leo asked,

"yeah he's hiding something" Kevin, Frankie, Ian, Theo, Leo, Diamond, Kathy, James, Liam, and Nathan agreed, "we need to find out what"Liam said, they played games, ate food random arguments, "hello young ones?

"Oh hi Optimus, need something" Ian asked, "my suspicion about Cody is growing a great concern my tell me something" he a said
-after explaining-
"I see keep an eye on him and look for clues in his room understand" he told them, they listen to his orders.

The long lost hybrid wolf prince is found Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin