Stressin out!!!😭

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Hi peoples so I'm doing an update tomorrow but besides that let me tell y'all how my day went, soooo.....

I woke up at 4am in the morning to my stomach having nausea and cramping at once so I went to the bathroom used it and went right back to the room going to sleep but thennn I woke up the next morning at 8:30 and I was still feeling pain and I'm like bruh so I go to the bathroom again and I sat on that toilet for 2 hours but I did end up going but also in the process of it my stomach was cramping and I looked down and guess what I saw...


So then I'm just like fuck my life this is some bs because I'm sitting here with a whole stomach virus and my cycle decides to start now like you can't be serious I've been set up but anyways after that tragedy mind you I was at my auntie house with my two little sisters and we went home today so I'm still sitting here with a virus and they're downstairs playing with my baby cousin while I'm upstairs in pain cleaning up the room BY MYSELF getting ready to drag them so then my dad came to pick us up and when he came I grabbed the ice cream my auntie bought for me because it was mine and I was gonna eat it. So then me, my dad, and two little sisters made our way out the house and got in the car, as we were turning away from my auntie block we past a gas station and my dad is literally like "oh shit we gotta get some gas, we sho did just past the gas station" and I just looked at him like bruh so then we get to the freeway and 5 minutes later on the freeway out of nowhere my dad starts complaining talkin bout some "shit I forgot to get gas" because the car was blinking telling that the gas was low and I was like "you know we did end up passing a gas station before coming here we could've just turned around" and he got some nerve talkin bout sum "well we don already got to the freeway it's to late now" me and my little sisters just stared at him cause ain't no way so then my dad tries to make to a exit but you know what happened....

...we ran out of gas...

So then my dad had to hurry up and park on the side of the freeway and then he turned off the car and stuff sayin " alright y'all we gon walk to the gas station" one of my little sisters was like "ok" but me and the other one was like "hold up" "who is we" and then he was like "I can't leave y'all on the free way by y'all self" then we was like "you right you right" so then we ended up getting out we had to climb over the wall and climb up the little hill and make a turn to climb over a gate, I'm tellin y'all after the first climb I was already done more tired than a bitch but I had to keep going so I was like "ok you got this" and I achieved both walking to the gas station and back even tho I damn near bussed my ass going back down the hill but we ain't gon count that I was also tryna hurry the fuck up cause we in Detroit knowing that I raised and grew up there It was to much gang bangin shit, kidnapping, robbing, raping, all kinds of stuff I had to check my surroundings every 2 seconds, all I gotta say is if you ain't from Detroit and you go there for your first and yo ass sitting up there being excited all jolly and shit and being to friendly that's on you, you can't go around without knowing nothing or yo ass alive or dead but anyways besides all of that.....

When we got back to the car we was making our way home and he finally stopped at a gas station and got some gas and when he was in the store it was a little boy and his mom walking past the front of the car the momma was lookin a little to good but her son wooo Nevermind I'm not a mean person I promise but me and my sisters was just laughing but I promise I'm not mean. So mind you during all of this I still have the stomach virus and we make it back home I try to get out the car but the ice cream spilled on my pants so I had to have one of my little sisters help me then when we got in the house we chilled for a couple minutes than I decided to take some medicine for my stomach it was pesto bismo so what I did was I had my water ready and I sipped the medicine out the top (you know the top that be on the medicine bottles) after I did that I had made a face because the shit was nasty and my little sisters are just laughing at me, but I finally took the courage to swallow the medicine....

 didn't end well...

I have a weak ammune system so I don't know what I was thinkin, I swallowed it and it only got half way through before coming right back up making me throw up on the floor with my chest hurting, and I had to clean it up. A couple minutes later everyone went to there room I was getting ready to go but I had to put my ice cream up first but when I picked up the shit fell and then when I was picking it up again it said uh oh I slipped again and bussed it's ass on the floor making it extra for me to clean, I eventually did get finished and was finally able to come upstairs to my room and chill.

...And that brings me to now still got a little bit of a stomach virus that I hope will go away by the morning, and yup that was my day, thinkin about it gon have me stressin all over again.

But I hope y'all had a better day then I did bye lovely peoples😘

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