chapter 3

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Dream looked over the stupid orphan kid was cold he could see him shivering he unclipped his cloak wrapping it around him dream layed back in the grass staring at the stars sometimes he wondered what being human was like but those thoughts never lasted long only a wisp and he dismissed them before they could get more serious dream waited until morning he sat up staring at the kid until he awoke he watched as the child grogily opened his eyes whipping away what sleep clung to his eyes "I never had you name kid" the kid (sleep still hidden in his voice not well though) "tommy" "what's your name!" dream paused hesitating oh well this kid wouldn't know who he was even if he did he wouldn't believe dream was a god he looked far to human to be one "its Dream" the kid jumped a bit then went starry eyed "LIKE THE GOD!" tommy excitedly giggled dream was honestly shocked  this kid knew "uh yes actually" "woahh I'm with the actual god dream so cool" dream smiled under his mask (just a bit) he was happy to have someone excited by his presence it had been so long since someone acknowledged him his godlyhood "well we better get going it's gonna get late the longer we sit" "dream m hungry" tommy frowned "well I don't have more berries" he sighed "fine this once I'm gonna do this but it's a stupid reason" he mumbled he held tommy's hand in his and suddenly a stack of cooked potatoes appeared in Tommy's hand  he gasped a little  taken back by this "woah! thank you dream" he smiled "yeah fine" "welcome" tommy bit into the potatoes eating some then saving the rest for later "lets get going now" tommy hummed in agreement standing up dream stared at him "your still filthy I realized gross" he sighed grabbing his cloth and leaning down to the closet river then ringing it out he quickly wiped down tommy "there much more good to look at" tommy smiled at him and the began to walk

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