0 0 6 : TWITTER

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Jackdgrazer : I'd like to adress that Bs Selestina put in her YouTube video. 1st of all. You know damn well we drifted from you because you started hanging out with your boyfriend! 2nd of all you never thought about hanging out w/ us , you only hung out with Owen and Nicholas.
813,234 TWEETS, 831,124 LIKES.


User : he got offended so quick it's embarrassing tbh.

User : what does this even have to do with Brady.

User : honestly Jack you take shit way to seriously like leave her alone she's 16 for gods sake.

Montanajordan : keep my little Sister's name out your ducking mouth!

brady_hepner : pressed for no reason, like huh? 😂

bby.selestinaa : okay, it's one thing to talk about my boyfriend, and say that the shit I was saying was "bs" the only reason I DRIFTED apart was because of YOU. You started so much drama that I couldn't deal with honestly. And your girlfriend? I'm surprised the boys still put up with your NEGATIVITY .
1,234,976 LIKES , 913,800 TWEETS.


User : as queen should.

User : girl boss honestly.

Tristanpravong :👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

brady_hepner : speaking facts

Masonthames :#teamSelestina

USER : 😂

finnwolfhard : kinda true.

user : ate and left NO CRUMBS.

User : he's a fan tbh .

User : he's LITTERLY OBSESSED with Selestina like honestly leave her alone .

A/N : idk how to use twitter or do I have it, so idk if I did anything wrong. Sorry if I did! I only used twitter once.

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