You were chilling on your couch in your small apartment watching your favourite show for the millionth time. As it ended once again you stood up and put on your coat, deciding to get some fresh air.

A litte disappointed as the could brushed against your body you snuggled deeper into your coat and started to regret that your were only wearing some sweatpants.

As you finally found an empty bench in the deserted park next door you closed your eyes and started to relax.

'I am Loki of Asgard and Im burdened with glorious purpose fo...r-' he dragged the o out and pointed at you after looking around and realising that no one else was there,'-you.'.

You opened your eyes seeing a man with raven hair, sharp cheekbones and a smug grin on his face disturbing your peaceful moment alone with his words you didn't really followed.

'I'm sorry, sir, but I think you have the wrong person.' you tried to stay as calm as possible, which was rather hard due to his weird-looking clothes.

'Allow me to sit next to you and explain the situation a bit.' even though it wasn't really a question you nodded your head and the man joined you.

'I'm a king.' you raised an eyebrow, 'Well, I'll be one soon.' As he spoke, he slowly approached. 'I just want you, my queen, to come with me to an acquisite place called Asgard.'

He took your hand in his 'Heim-', but before he finished you wriggled out of his grip and took a leap backwards falling off the bench.

'Oh great.' you mumble rolling your eyes getting back on your feet more awkwardly than anything else.

'Sorry dear I didn't get that.' he was already in front of you again, rudely close.

You pull your Coat tighter around your body 'I won't go anywhere, especially not with a crazy unknown to play the princess.'

'I'm not an unknown, I'm the god of mischief himself politely asking you to be my queen and look good next to my throne.'


'Sorry Mr. god but I gotta go now, your time's up.' you turn and started to run around the corner to the exit of the park.

Checking how much time you had just wasted 'Au-', you hit something hard and went to the ground once again.

'What the hell.' as you raised your head he was smirking down at you.

'Thats not a way speaking to your future husband nor to damage his fine asgardian leather." he was coming inappropriately close again so you rolled to the side not wanting to risk getting trapped.

'Just leave me, you freak me out. There are so many other woman here for you to bug. So why me?' ,you made it back on your feet and started to walk slowly while he followed beside you.

'You see, I can't really spot anyone else-', he grinned, '-and since you know too much now anyway, my queen, there is no version of this story where you end up without me.' while he waved his hands around you took the opportunity and sneaked out of sight behind a huge tree.

Watching him walk out of sight, you took a deep breath, only to pull it back in sharply. A dagger narrowly missed your head.

'We can make this easy by you simply obeying me, or we have to do it the hard way and there will be punishment. Your choice.', he slowly started to get annoyed and his eyebrows drew together.

He came closer quickly and put you in a panic. Flinging your arm upwards. Hand tightly around the dagger. You pull it out of the trunk and hurled the blade into his stomach.

Without looking back, you run as fast as you can, glad to finally reach the door of your shabby apartment.

Two days have passed in which you've not left your apartment being too afraid of the consequences. Not that this will last forever, but a week at least to give your "husband" enough time to find a new "queen".

The whole thing didn't go by you easily. Had you done the right thing? 

Except the fact that you're a huge fan of a red-haired assassin who is regularly reported on the news and your fable for one-handed knives, you don't have much to do with such stuff.

Have you gone too far in your fear? Dealing with "that kind" of person was new to you and originally, he had been relatively friendly...

'Ugh bullshit', a hot shower is probably the only thing that will make your thoughts clear so you enter your bathroom.

Realizing how much you've been craving it, you wrap a towel around your still hot body and open the door to grab your pj's.

Cold hands wrap around you from behind.

Despite your attempts to pull yourself away from them, they hold you with all their might. Covered in goose bumps, you only feel the kiss on your neck and a bright light which pulls you off the floor.

'You're mine now.', he whispers.

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