Loki swung an arm around your waist and something peaky ended your attempt to tear yourself away.

'If you care about your insides, I'd recommend you to behave.', the blade at your side slid back into the ring on his hand.

'If you knew how to upfront, I wouldn't even have to think about them now.'

'Im so delighted to have you back.' a woman with golden curls approached you and forced Loki in a hug, who returned the gesture reservedly. 'It's a pleasure to finally meet you miss y/n.' she let go of him and pulled you in as well.

Loki moved you to the center of the room next to who you'd  identified as his brother Thor and a brown haired woman.

He lowered his eyes and made a  bow. The pain in your side forced you to follow him after a few seconds.

His face was now dangling close to yours, 'So I'm supposed to be the one with no manners.', his voice was only breathy as he took you back up with him.

'Let's get to the part of why we're all here.' the old man on the throne looked quite stern. His face is sunken and his skin equals a grey wall, even if he wanted to, a friendly expression would most likely not be in.

In the meantime, the woman had seated herself next to the king.

'You two have managed to find a queen by today with whom you can rule Asgard as I and your Mother did.', his glance wandered to the woman beside him.

'The next move is to decide to whom the people will pledge. You will interact with the them both alternately and cooperatively and perform your future duties to the best of your abilities.'

'I am terribly sorry, I didn't have the time to really introduce myself to you earlier and knowing my son, I'm sure he hasn't already done so. I'm Frigga.' ,the queen had followed you and was now eyeing Loki with a slightly penal look.

Fortunately, he had removed his hand directly when you had left the throne room.

'You' re so right, with all the stress he had to drag me here this must've slipped.', actually it was against your principles to be rude to her for no reason, especially since she seemed to be really friendly. So hopefully she would help you out of here for that very fact.

'I must apologise, he was very excited and couldn't wait to get you here. We thought he would never find someone to love and who loves him until Heimdall was finally allowed to send him to you two days ago.'

'You'd  never told me that Heimdall wanted to send me to Midgard because of love.'

'You wouldn't have gone if you knew. Besides we didn't know it ourselves until you two made it through the bifrost.'

Love was surely not present at all. 

'There's definitely a mistake, your son chased me, threatened me with-' 

'I wasn't aware that the feelings must be so strong, it's probably best if I go back again and-', at least we agreed on that.

'Don't worry my dears, your love is complete otherwise you wouldn't have been able to come into Asgard in the first place. I'd say you go to your room and rest a little.' ,she winks once more and walks off into the corridors.

Grand. She was right though, it had gotten late. You hadn't realised how tired your body actually was. Loki seems to feel the same as he starts to move without a word, you were more than thankful at this moment.

After countless corridors and turnings he finally stopped in front of one of the doors.

You concluded it was your room as he didn't make a move to enter. 

The huge bed in the middle which was covered with fine black silk captured your gaze. You can still look at the rest tomorrow and hopefully it was all just a dream and you'll wake up back in your apartment as soon as possible.

The mattress bends and perfectly hugs around your body as you lay down. As you close your eyes you finally start to relax and take in the captivating scent of the pillows.

'No one said you'd get the bed.'

Startled, you tear open your green eyes to meet his nearly identical ones. He was bent over you and braced himself with both hands to your sides.

'I apologise for the delay miss y/n-' the maid stopped as she obviously mistook the scene.

'No problem Eila, I don't think she even noticed, am I right love.' you were definitely sick of that mischievous grin.

'I just wanted to show the miss her quarters but I can come back-'

'We'd gladly take-'

'No no it's fine. I would love to come with you now.' Loki rolled to the side for you to leapt up from the bed without paying any further attention to him.

You followed the maid two corridors further, 'That's your room miss.', while curtsying, she points to the last door.

'Thank's a mill, Eila right?'

She nodded, 'Feel free to call me whenever you need, you are expected for breakfast at 8 tomorrow morning. Good night.'

She hurried around the corner as you entered your room. It was huge, at least twice the size of your apartment.

A high quality table with a circular mirror stood between the two ground level  windows which provided a stunning view. A door to the left led into a spacious bathroom with many golden accents and the bed in the middle was the same as Lokis. 

Yawning for the third time, you flip the covers and your dress turns into a crop top and a pair of fairly short shorts while you snuggle into the sheets, sadly they weren't in the same wash and had a different scent.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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