~schnappter 5~

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A few days later

Olivia's POV

I woke up and looked out my window to see clouds covering the sky everywhere, a little wind and a rainy smell. I love that smell, it reminds me of when I was a kid, I would always play under the rain and it was simply... beautiful

I was happy because rainy weather is my favorite weather, it calms me down and with all that's been going on lately, I definitely needed to be calm, after all, I WAS going to do a science project with Noah Cameron Schnapp...

At school

Everyone hurried to their classes as soon as the school bell rang, I was heading to my class too when I saw Alyssa walk through the hallway and froze. A terrible sensation filled my body. I was paralyzed. Terrified. I don't know why, sure, Alyssa was a bully and I was certainly scared of her but not... not terrified. And then it hit me. I haven't seen her in more than a week, and she usually never misses school. I had been so stupid! I was so focused on Noah and everything that I didn't even realize that my life-long enemy dissappeared! I could've done so many things! (like roam around freely in the hallways instead of hiding all the time)

I was even more terrified when I found her standing literally in front of me and looking me dead in the eye. I felt an incredible sense of anger, disbelief, hatred, and terror. Fear in it's literal form.

"You're so dead, you bitch!"

I started trembling in horror, but i was so confused... what did I do this time?

"You think you can get away so easily after ruining my life? I will FUCKING KILL YOU! STAB YOU TO DEATH YOU-"

She pulled me against her and punched me really hard in the ear/face. I couldn't feel anything anymore. I felt my ear ringing violently and then my whole world turning off.

Unknown date

I didn't know where I was as I slowly opened my eyes. The bright light hurt my eyes, and when I managed to get a look at what was around me, it looked like some kind of office... I was on a bed and though I couldn't see perfectly well, I noticed some indistinct white and blue shapes around me. I could hear someone silently snoring right next to me. I turned to my left to see my mom with puffed eyes sleeping like a little child, cuddling my arm. And then it hit me: I was at a hospital, the last thing I could remember was Alyssa screaming at me and hitting me so I connected the dots and... boom? I guess she hit me until I was unconscious... it was a weird feeling... I wasn't really worried or confused or scared... I was... kind of astonished... the feeling was a mix of emotions so I can't really describe it very well but I remember just thinking to myself "woah, I almost got murdered, that's actually cool. Wait... am I a psycho?! Why would I find THAT pretty cool? I slowly tried to sit up, but I felt so weak, so vulnerable that my head fell on the pillow again. It must've made some kind of noise, because my mom literally jumped up and started crying. She burst into tears and hugged me tight.

"Oh darling... you don't know how worried I was!! That bastard... she got what she deserved! You come right into my arms, it's gonna be alright, just hold on, ok baby? Just stay here, I'll go call the doctor!" She said in a panicked but relieved voice

I wanted to tell her that I was alright, but the words just didn't seem to come out of my mouth. I could only make weird noises. My mom rushed outside, leaving there. I stayed still as unsettling thoughts filled my head.

rested my head on the pillow, while looking around me, after what felt like an eternity the doctor finally came with my worried mom behind him.

"Hello there young lady, I haven't had the pleasure to meet you yet!"

I tried to mumble a few words but I could only make noises

"Now, I know you're very confused and that it might be difficult for you to talk right now, but I need to ask you some questions, can you nod yes and nod with your head for me?"

I tried to nod with the last amounts of energy I had left

"Very good! Ok let's start. Are you feeling any pain?"

I moved my head up and down, as I felt weak, and a sharp pain invaded my ear-area.

"Good, can you point to where it hurts the most?"

I showed him my right ear

"Could you please rate the pain out of 10 with your fi gers for me?"

I struggled to show him 7 fingers, he must've noticed because he said "Ok, enough with the questions, these were the important ones. The nurse will shortly give you something to lessen your pain, remember to eat and sleep properly and if you need anything at all, just ask, ok? I'll visit you again tomorrow morning for a brief check-up. Goodnight"

I smiled slightly as he left, my mom hugged me with tears still in her eyes. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry you have to go through all this, but I promise you'll understand everything very soon. That kid saved you! God bless him..." She noticed my confused expression and cleared her throat "Anyways, enough of that, I have to go because it's your bedtime. Good night sweetie, and if you need anything, anything at all I'm right out of the door, ok sweetie?" She rushed out of the room as the nurse was getting annoyed. The nurse closed my blinds and turned off the lights after giving me pain medication, whispered me goodnight and left. I was completely alone now, which was good as it gave me space to think. I was still very confused, especially after my mom mentioned a boy who supposedly saved me? The pain eased up quite a lot, letting me doze off peacefully, while lost in my thoughts.

Hey yall sorry for the dramatic scene, I got this idea suddenly but lmk if u think it ruined the story (I'll change it) anyways goodnight🌙

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