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will couldnt tell what was going on. everything was so loud, but the ringing in his ears was louder. there was blood in his eyes and trailing down his face, making it hard to see anything, but he swear he sees blue and red flashing lights. there were people surrounding him, all in white uniforms, trying to talk to him, but they were all mixed up, he couldnt understand them.

a face came into will's focus, their voice above the rest. it was impossible to understand with the constant background voices blaring through his ears and reverberating in his head. they began to lift him from his seat, through the shattered window and taking him away from the crunched car, laying him onto a stretcher and setting him inside the back of the ambulance. his vision faded, and darkness washed across his mind.


conciousness slowly flows back, the sounds of his surroundings rippling around him. will squinted his eyes at the bright light that was revealed. as his eyes adjusted, he lifted his head groggily and looked around. he was in a hospital room, with bland gray walls and a heart monitor beside his bed.

"oh, will!" he turned his head to the other side, seeing his mother rush up to his bed. "will, are you okay? how are you feeling?" joyce exclaimed, gently cupping his face in her hands.

will shook his head slightly and lifted a hand to his head, the bandages texture rough against his skin. "i'm fine, mom. what even happened?"

joyce's eyes filled with sadness, and she sighed. "as far as we know, you were driving in the rain and wrecked the car."

"what? i dont have a car."

"steve's car."

wills eyes widened and he shot up. "shit! does steve know?! oh god, hes gonna hate me!"

joyce grabbed wills shoulders and pushed him back down to the bed. "language!" she scolded, but she wasnt angry. "steve isnt mad at you. hes mad, yes, but hes not going to hate you. no one is going to hate you."

he shook his head, turning away. he stared out of  window beside him, watching the clouds move across the sky. will jumped as he heard a knock at the door, and multiple voices following.

his mother rose and opened the door, and who came tumbling in surprised him.

"theres my boy!" lonnie exclaimed, making his way over to will, wearing a clearly fake smile. he cut in front of joyce and stood by the hospital bed. "joyce, mind stepping out for a moment?"

(slur tw)
joyce nodded, glancing at will before exiting the room. lonnie turns back with a shit eating grin. he chuckled; "too caught up in that little fairyland in your head to pay attention to the road?" lonnie mocked, poking will's temple. "i can't believe i have a little fag as a son. how come you couldve just been normal, huh?" he scoffed. "i should've known any son of joyce's would be an attention-seeking brat." then he turned away, leaving will sitting there in the hospital bed.
(tw over)

will let out a shuddering breath, shaking his head dumbfounded. he could hear his parents' muffled voices outside the door, but he couldn't make out what they said.

joyce came back in a few minutes later, a worried expression casted apon her face, as she hurriedly made her way back to her son. "will, i have to go back to work. use the phone to call me if you need me." will turned his head farther to his left, a phone hung up on the wall right beside his bed.

"dont worry, mom. im alright." will reassured, sending his mother a small smile as she backed up towards the door. she mouthed, 'i love you' before exiting the room and closing the door.

will sighed and ran his hand through his hair, beginning to recall the events of last night. "shit.."


658 words
a/n: im trying to get into writing longer chapters + actually keeping motivation to keep writing stories, so updates will be slow</3

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