5. Keiren

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The sun was low on the horizon, and each second that dragged by Keiren could feel his anxieties increase.

"Come on, pick up."

He tapped his foot on the tile floor of the kitchen, staring at the phone screen.

Ambrose W.


It rung once. Then, twice. Keiren was beginning to lose hope that Ambrose would ever answer his phone. Solis had fallen asleep on the couch, holding tight to an old seal plushy Keiren got after donating to some charity.

"Fuck," Keiren hissed.

"Wow, pottymouth," Ambrose's voice crackled over the connection. Keiren hadn't heard the click of him finally answering, but whatever. "What's wrong? You never call me outside of work. And considering I'm looking at 7 missed calls, it better be important."

"I need you to babysit," Keiren clucked, his gaze drifting over to the calendar held proudly to the fridge by magnets. He and Josh had date night that evening, and Josh had promised to take him out to get Pizza.

"Babysit?" He could hear Ambrose's disdain, "I've got to get back to Lucille, Keiren. I just spent forever getting chewed out by the boss."

"You can take her over. Just - please. I don't know who else to call."

Ambrose was quiet for a moment.

"Is it Solis?"


"What time do you need me over?"

"Preferably in the next hour," Keiren could feel himself calming down again, "I don't think Sy-Solis will do anything destructive, but he got a little anxious when I took a shower earlier and I don't want him to have to be alone."

"I can swing that. Don't worry about it, Kiki. Just let me go nab Lucille and I'm on my way."

"Oh, and keep her litter box in the bathroom if you set it up," Keiren tried, but to no avail, as Ambrose had already hung up.

He placed the phone on the counter, trying his best to find a spot that hadn't been stained by coffee or food or some other mystery substance.

Solis looked peaceful. His eye bags had faded, and a small amount of drool had made its way out from the corner of his mouth and onto Keiren's nice blue couch cushions. His attention snapped quickly to the door when the lock began to rattle.

"I'm home!" Josh announced loudly, stepping into the living room and dropping his duffel bag by the door. He looked a little sweaty, and his hair was all messed up.

"Don't you just look ravishing," Keiren mumbled, eyeing the sweat stained pits of his navy uniform.

"Hey," Josh clicked his tongue, pulling out his hair tie and letting his hair fall almost stiffly around his shoulders. "I thought you loved a man in uniform."

"Not a sweaty ass one," Keiren hummed, placing his palms flat on the kitchen island and grinning.

"Oh?" Josh sidled away from the entrance, a rather devious smirk crossing his face as he began to unbutton his shirt.

"Ah - no, Josh," Keiren pointed to the couch, "remember?"

Josh had stopped halfway between the entryway and Keiren, and was staring quietly at Solis.

"That is Syrus Wilson."

"No," Keiren said quickly, rounding the counter and walking up to Josh's side, "it's just a kid. He was hungry and dirty-"

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