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Warning: none (unless there is just comment)
Most plot taken from my imagines book, but beginning details have been added.

You rode your bike to school since both mom and dad were at work before you left. You wore a navy blue crewneck that your mom had bought you when you were out shopping over the weekend, as well as some new jeans that were baggy, but not too baggy. Your very worn in converse were pedaling the wheels of your bike as "Start me Up" by the Rolling Stones blasted in your ears.

You let the bike guide you down the slight hill of the high school parking lot, turning in front of a crowd of students that were coming out of a school bus. Having no idea that a redhead had noticed you.

You locked up your bike and walked in the entrance with the other students, everyone crowding the halls and you walked to the office just like you were told from your mom to do the night before. The office was quiet and you realized everyone was looking at you since your music was blasting loudly through the headphones. You clicked the pause button, apologizing quietly to the adults.

"Name?" the lady behind the counter asked in a rude tone as you walked up to it, fiddling with your headphone wire.

"Y/n y/l/n."

She typed away at the keyboard, "Chrissy Cunningham will be here to tour you, just wait in a seat over there." she pointed over the counter, not looking up at you to seats that were up against the wall. You nodded and walked back, taking a seat.

You slipped your backpack off your shoulders and put it between your feet, taking out a journal to draw in. That was another thing you learned to do at the camp, draw. You were really good at it too. You pressed play on your walkman, lifting your headphones to your ears and turning down the volume slightly as to not bother the adults that were annoyed from before. "Miss you" by the Rolling Stones played in your ears, the cassette tape you had bought was a mix of the Rolling Stones' best hits. You drew an illustration of the annoyed lady from behind the counter, putting a speech bubble over her head reading, "I hate kids for a living." you laughed through your nose and a blonde girl in a pony tail and cheer costume walked in. You continued drawing as she talked to the child-hater, then walked over to you.

"Y/n?" she asked and you could barely hear her through your headphones.

You put them around your neck, pausing the song and smirked, "that's me."

"Hi! I'm Chrissy" she held out her hand and smiled, "I'll be giving you a tour of where your classes are as well as just the school in general. Are you okay with that?"

You nodded and shook her hand, "yeah of course."

"Okay sounds good, let's go!" she responded with a cheery voice.

You stuffed your journal back in your bag and put it around your shoulder, walking through the door that Chrissy held open for you.


"Okay so this is your locker, your combination is on the schedule." Chrissy handed you the schedule and smiled, "if you need anything, just ask someone in your class or I'm here after school, I'm the cheer captain."

You nodded and stood awkwardly facing her, gripping the straps of your backpack, "thanks."

She smiles and rocked back and forth on her heels, "No problem! Oh! Gotta go! Bell's about to ring for lunch! Have a good day, y/n!" she waves and runs down the hall.

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