Do i like jichu? (Jk pov)

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Jichu and jungkook walked together to school and went to class. "Your smile yesterday. Its cute" as they entered the class lina looked at them with a face looking at them "get married already" jichu looked at her "how about you first?" Jungkook was staring with a face with confusion on how are they friends. "We been friends ever since childhood if thats what you are wondering" luna looked at him "hang out with us sometimes. Yeah?" Jungkook looked surprised, "sure" Jungkook looked at jichu with a face.

*kookie's face*

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*kookie's face*

Jichu looked back at him "just be prepared for crazy shit thou~" luna said with a smile which worried jichu, "shes just kidding" after the class has finished she went to fix her guitar and learned to play a note. They all went to a restaurant and started something creepy to jichu. "How are you suppose to get money?" They all stared and weirdly. She got scared. "I think we scared her" it went quiet. Jungkook came and made her laugh by the time jichu and luna was at the beach. "What do you mean by getting a job?"
So she went and look for a job jungkook tagged along. She found a job its an ok job. "Im proud if you" jungkook looked at her. Han ran up to her. "Do you think you can sing? Can you write lyrics?" Han grabbed her. "I.. ok" han looked at her "do you really sing?" Jichu looked down and started sing but only
"la" they all looked at her surprised. Jungkook came behind her and hugged her. "Please write the music!" Han left screaming that "i'll work on the instruments." Jungkook looked at her wondering what is the feeling that he is feeling. Jichu looked at him. Smiling.

"Can we go now?" Jichu wanted to go somewhere thats calm full. "Sure lets go" jungkook took her hand. They went back to the beach they laughed around. Luna found them. " Jichu!!" Luna ran up to them Jichu got scared "sooo you and jungkook huh?" Jichu looked at her. "Shut up!" Jungkook looked at her lifting her chin up, looking at her face. Jichu sqeek and luna was obsessed with then two "kiss already!" Luna caused jichu to jump "will you please shut up!" Jichu looked at her but jungkook took her chin again. "Its nice to hang out with you we should go home before its night." He took her hand. They arrived at her place. "Today was fun" Jungkook looked at her and lifted her chin again "it was" they looked at each other, jungkook leaned bit in "is it ok if i kiss you?" Jichu was surprised. She nodded yes so he gave her a kiss. Meanwhile luna was far but she saw him kissing jichu and she screamed with happiness "i knew it!!!"
Jungkook went home and  saw jimin and taehyung waiting for him "where have you been?" Jimin said it with a detective voice "i kissed jichu" Jungkook sat down happily. They were speechless.

(Sorry for cringe)

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